Page 72 of Wild Thing


“And you’re all set,” I say, sliding an appointment card across the desk to the last patient of the day. I glance around then lean over the tabletop, lowering my voice. “Don’t forget the dark leafy greens we talked about. That should definitely help with the bloating.”

“Yes, I mentioned it to Dr. John and he gave me the green light. Thank you, sweet girl,” the adorable elderly woman responds. “I’ll send my grandson on a grocery run today.”

I wave goodbye to the old lady who used to be the school librarian a million years ago. All the while, my eyes are darting down the hall and around the room.

Felix walks by, and I stop him. “Hey, where’s Mason? I haven’t seen him since lunch.”

I’d been hoping to ask for the past hour, but I’ve been busy checking out all the final patients of the afternoon. The older ones sure like to chat.

Felix pins me with a suspicious glance. Then he shrugs. “He took the rest of the day off. Headache or something.”

“Oh, okay,” I say, flinching and struggling to keep my voice level. “Let me know if there’s anything I can help with,” I call after my brother as he walks off.

For the last hour of the day, the office is technically closed. But I’m busy with admin stuff and preparing patient files for the next day’s appointments. I can barely focus, though. Anxiety eats at me. I can’t help but worry about Mason.

The fact that he was feeling bad enough to bail on work is very much unlike him. I’ve been around him enough to know he’ll usually throw himself into his responsibilities, and then wait until he gets home to crash.

I hate this for him. It almost feels unfair. He helps his patients feel better all day. Yet he himself has to live in constant pain. Headaches like this aren’t normal—well, I mean, they are for some people—but Masonhas tofind a remedy.

And the worst part is, I have a sneaking suspicion I know what might be stressing him out. To the point of having a migraine today. What we did last night was wrong. So freaking wrong. Yet it felt damn fantastic.

Was I mad at him for bursting into the bathroom on me while I was pleasuring myself? For about five seconds, maybe. But when I saw all that building lust in his sizzling brown eyes, I knew I wanted to be the blissful recipient of all that bottled-up male aggression. And geez, was it worth it!

Anyway, now it’s time for consequences, and it seems that my roommate is paying his debt in the form of another debilitating headache. There goes yet another reason for me to feel guilty.

I try not to show it, but I can’t wait to get home. I clock out the minute the day ends, quickly popping my head into my brother’s office to say goodbye.

When I get home, the house is perfectly quiet and dark. But I know Mason’s here because I saw his car parked crooked in the drive. I quietly sneak up the stairs and down the hall to his room.

For a moment, I consider knocking. But ultimately, I decide against it, slowly opening his bedroom door.

My heart falls when my eyes adjust to the darkness, and I find him lying on top of the sheets, shirtless, with a pillow over his face. And—oh my god—that body.

Long limbs corded in muscle sprawled off on the bed. Miles of smooth tattooed skin. A sprinkling of dark hair on his chest and abdomen. The outline of his shaft is visible through his gray gym shorts and it practically makes my mouth water.

Really, Karli? Really?It’s clear that the man is in serious pain, yet here I am, objectifying him.

I tiptoe inside, only making it a few steps before I make my presence known.

“Hey,” I say softly.

Mason pulls back the pillow and peeks at me with one eye squeezed shut. “Hey.”

“How are you holding up?” I continue to whisper.

He flings a forearm over his eyes and groans. “Getting pretty fucking tired of being in pain all the time.”

Shit. I hesitate.

Then I shuffle closer to the bed.

The harsh breath I pull in fills my lungs. Then I slowly climb onto the mattress and over his body.Oh my god. What am I even thinking?

Mason moves his arm from across his eyes to look at me. His brows are pinched together, uncertainty marring his handsome face in the shadowy room. “What are you doing?”

“Shh…I’ll make you feel better,” I promise, my voice a soothing whisper.