Page 65 of Wild Thing

“Hey, back,” I reply with an amused smirk.

Her brows pinch as she strides past me, toward the cabinets. “You okay? What’s with that look on your face?”

“Nothing. I’m just feeling…well-rested.”

She starts pulling out the dishes she needs. “You’re a strange man. I should have run a background check before agreeing to move in with you.”

“Woulda, coulda, shoulda.”

She snorts. “Yeah. Too late for that, huh?”

“Basically,” I confirm. “You’re not getting rid of me now.”

“Ugh—my roommate is a clinger. Just my luck.” Her shoulders heave. “Well, at least your face isn’t a hardship to look at.”

I feel that tiny compliment in my groin. Because I’m a horndog.

Not doing well to fight her grin, she gives me her back and focuses her attention on preparing her own breakfast. My eyes take their time, skimming the shape of her goddess curves.

A whole bunch of veggies and shit get pulled out of the fridge and tossed into the blender. I should let her work in peace but I can’t help but tease her some more.

“So interesting…” I mumble.

“What’s interesting?” She glances over her shoulder.

I pause, tapping on the medical journal on the counter. “Oh, just this article that’s highlighted to death.”

Karli twists around and hurriedly snatches the journal away from me, her cheeks turning crimson red. It matches all the red underlining here on these pages, but I don’t tell her that. I’m afraid she might punch me.

“Don’t touch my stuff.” Grumbling, she slides the journal into her purse.

I take my time, swallowing another sip of my coffee. “Apparently, the research suggests that sex can be an effective remedy for headaches,” I announce, as though she didn’t already read, underline, and bookmark that little bit of information. “Sexual healing, if you will.”

“Interesting. Truly,” Karli deadpans nonchalantly, like she couldn’t possibly care any less. “You should try it out. In the name of scientific research, of course.”

I stand up taller. “I like that idea. Too bad I don’t have a partner who’s passionate about scientific findings.”

At that, Karli flips on the blender, ending all conversation for the next excruciatingly long sixty seconds.

I half-wonder if she’s even going to respond, but then she looks at me over her shoulder.“I’m sure you could find a willing participant somewhere around town. Most of the girls around here aren’t that picky. Science or not.”

I rub at the scruff on my jaw, pondering out loud. “Oh, so you’re saying I should go out and meet a woman…Then I, what? Should I bring her back home?”

Karli turns around fully, suddenly interested in this conversation once again. “Oh, no-no-no! You can’t bring her home.” She points to the scrap of paper affixed to the fridge with the banana magnet. “Our peace treaty strictly forbids bringing home third parties of the opposite sex. Shucks!” She snaps her fingers.

I cluck my tongue. “That really is too bad then. I wouldn’t want to violate the treaty.”

“Of course.” She nods solemnly. She tries to act indifferent but a pink tint lingers on her cheeks.

I abandon my coffee cup on the counter, meeting her on the other side of the kitchen. “If only my roommate was willing to offer herself up. In the name of scientific research, I mean.”

Chin tipped up to look at me directly, she narrows her eyes, those blue irises sharp as razor blades. “Yeah. Too bad your roommate’s not willing.”

I scoff, pretending to be offended. “So you’re saying that if I really,reallywas in agonizing pain and you could help me, that you wouldn’t? Well, that’s just mean, Karli.”

“No, Mason. I’m not willing to be your sex guinea pig.” As she says it, she’s struggling to look me in the eyes.

“What kind of roommate are you?” I stalk closer and drop my voice to a whisper. “I would do it foryou.”