Page 26 of Wild Thing

Layla’s eyes glimmer with excitement. “Oh my gosh. If you get pygmy goats, I’m totally moving with you!”

“Can I come, too?!” Stella looks up at me, her big blue eyes batting rapidly with excitement.

“Okay, girls,” I say with a conclusive bob of my head. “Then I guess that settles it. Goat farming in Ontario is our future.”

Stella squeals with absolute delight.

Layla giggles. “Sounds like a plan, sister.” She grabs my arm and pulls me toward the farmer’s market. “In the meantime, let’s check out Rainbow’s vegetable stand.”

The farmer’s market is busier than normal today. It seems like every person in Starlight Falls is out to buy something organic or sell some homemade trinket.

Weaving our way through the various booths and displays, we seek out Layla’s neighbor, Rainbow, at her usual spot. At this time of year, she always has the freshest tomatoes in town, cute little carrots that she grows right in her front yard and the best zucchini crops this side of the Mississippi. Plus, she’s generous with the samples.

“Hey girls.” Rainbow comes at us with open arms, giving us hugs before leaning over Sky’s stroller to coo at the baby.

Rainbow truly is a gem here in Starlight Falls, with her warm, nurturing aura and her spunky personality. She’s this fascinating ethereal woman with vibrant, multi-color dyed hair and tin bangles adorning both of her thin arms. Not to mention that she can make you rethink your entire existence with one wise and kindly-delivered nugget of advice. Plus, she always has a deck of tarot cards set up on the corner of her table, willing to give a reading to any passerby who might need one. No wonder she’s considered a kick-ass second mom to almost everyone in this town.

“Karli, when did you get back to town?” She beams at me, holding out a platter of cucumber slices.

“Just a few days ago,” I tell her, forcing a grin as I accept the sample she’s offering. My stomach immediately starts to go tight as I silently pray she doesn’t ask for an explanation.

As intuitive as she is, Rainbow seems to pick up on my discomfort in an instant. She doesn’t push the conversation much further. “Well, welcome home, moonflower,” she tells me with a kind smile.

“Thank you,” I say. “It’s good to be back.” And you know what? It is.

The woman lowers her voice, giving my hand a quick squeeze. “And know that I’m here if you ever need to talk.”

My throat gets clogged up with emotion as soon as she says that.She knows. Rainbow always knows.I offer her a grateful, little nod.

At that, she pulls a transparent pouch of shiny crystals from under her table. “Wanna see something pretty, Stella?”

My niece scampers over and Rainbow gets busy showing the gorgeous rocks to the little girl. Stella grows super excited when the mystical woman hands her a glimmering orange crystal and tells her tales of how it will make her lucky and rich. I’m smiling to myself as I turn toward the table where Layla is browsing the selection of veggies and munching on some cucumber slices of her own.

When other shoppers approach Rainbow’s table, Layla carries her items to the cash register. “We’re going to stop monopolizing your stand and move on.”

“It was really nice to see you again, Rainbow,” I say as I quickly pay for the fresh produce I picked up.

“It was nice to see you, too, sweetheart.” She hands me a fistful of change.

“Do you know if Daphne is working today?” I ask as we’re turning to leave.

Daphne is Rainbow’s niece. She’s two years younger and was always a bit of a loner until Layla and I forcibly adopted her into our fold a few years back.

A broad smile cover’s Rainbow’s face. “She is. And she’d love to see you.”

Rainbow waves goodbye as Layla takes the lead, maneuvering the stroller around the various booths and food trucks, moving toward the exit of the farmer’s market. We stroll halfway down the block to the ice cream shop where Daphne works.

Stella scampers inside, giving Daphne a quick hug before plastering her face to the glass of the chest freezer where the colorful ice cream flavors are displayed.

“Karli!” Daphne squeals when we step inside. “I’m so glad you’re back!” We share a quick hug.

“Well, what about me? Am I chopped liver?” Layla fakes a pout.

Daphne turns up her nose with a sassy huff. “Yup. Nothing but chopped liver you are,” she declares, teasingly bumping her hip into Layla’s. “But this cutie on the other hand! What a darling!” She squats down in front of the stroller to baby-talk with Sky.

I laugh at the offended facial expression Layla makes. Daphne’s feisty side only comes out around Layla and me. To everyone else around town, she’s the sweet, timid Beaumont sister who blushes at the drop of a hat. Her secret snarky side is one of my favorite things about her. When we first started hanging out, it took a lot of work dragging her out of her shell. Totally worth it, though.

Layla and I snatch the small round table closest to the front counter so we can catch up with Daphne as she works on our order. Before long, Daphne sets three decadent sundaes on our table.