Page 43 of The Wild Fire

She and I had an agreement. Not this weekend. I told her, not this weekend. Yet, here she is, blowing up my phone. As always.

Shaking my head, I ignore Candace’s messages and dial up Cash’s number.

My brother answers the call, sounding concerned. “Dude—are you okay?”

“Yeah. What are you guys up to?” I ask.

“It’s chaos over here.” He sounds a bit breathless. “It’s still raining and everybody’s running around like chickens with their heads off and no one’s having a good time. I decided to go for a jog to get away from everything.” He diverts the conversation to me. “Ziggy said something about you being stuck in a cabin in the woods?”

I rake my fingers through my hair. “I am.”

“With Alana?” he continues.

I cringe. “Yeah.”

He blows out a heavy breath. “How’sthatworking out for you?”

I consider brushing off his concerns and pretending to be peachy, but for once, I just can’t make-believe that I’m okay. If I can be honest with any of my brothers, it’s Cash. He and I have always been the closest. And after lying to myself for so long, I really,reallyneed to be honest with somebody right now.

“Like hell,” I respond truthfully.

“I can’t even imagine,” he says.

“Bro, it’s this tiny ass cabin with a bed that’s not much bigger than a park bench. Last night, I offered to sleep on the floor, just to be a gentleman, y’know? But then, there was a mouse running around in the dark, and Alana insisted that I get in the bed with her. And she was lying there next to me in nothing but a freaking T-shirt. She wasn’t wearing a damn bra.” My rambling peters on. “And I was lying there silently trying to list out all the former presidents of the United States just so I wouldn’t get a hard-on. And I felt like my head was about to explode.” I suck air into my cramped lungs, the mud slick under my feet as I walk.

“Which head? The head on your shoulders, or your other head?” I can almost hear him grinning. Thinks he’s so damn clever.

“Both,” I deadpan, not even joking a little bit. I abruptly stop in my tracks. “Cassius—I woke up this morning and she was rubbing her ass on me—in her sleep, of course. And my hand was under her shirt and…” I scrub my face with a palm. That wassowrong.

“And?” he coaxes.

“And then, when I realized what I was doing, I fell off the bed.”

My brother’s barking laugh makes me flinch.

“Not fucking funny, bro.”

“Admit it. It’s funny.” The merciless bastard laughs some more.

The branches over head whip around rhythmically. I swear they’re laughing, too.

“Please tell me this story ends with a hot hate-fuck on the floor.”

“No!” I shake my head as a video of my ex-wife and I dry-humping each other on the dirty floor replays in my brain against my will. “Thankfully, we snapped to our senses before it went that far.”

He sighs and I can imagine him shaking his head in disappointment. “Davis, you clearly still have feelings for her. It’s obvious to anyone with half a brain. This getting-trapped-in-a-cabin thing might be an…opportunity.”

“An opportunity?”

“Your shot to reevaluate your decisions. And maybe choose again.”

“Reevaluate my decisions?” The decision to end our marriage wasn’t mine. I had no say in the matter. But I don’t feel the need to admit that to my brother. “Alana and I are done. That chapter is closed. Sealed shut,” I say instead. “It’s been four years. I have no intention of opening the crypt.”

I’ve been the starry-eyed fool before. I’m not doing it again. Because clearly, Alana and I were never on the same page. I used to dumbly think that our love was a magical fairytale that could light up a moonless sky. But now, our story is just another dusty book on an abandoned library shelf.

“Four years is nothing,” Cash says with a shuddering laugh. “Just ask Mom and Dad. They’ve been holed up in a room since they got here to the guesthouse. I’m trying to figure out how much longer to wait until I send a search and rescue team to check on them.” He laughs again. “All that to say, if the physical chemistry is still there, who knows? Maybe you and Alana can salvage the rest of the relationship, too.”

I drag a hand down my face as the image of my ex-wife and me rubbing all over each other on that dirty floor plays out again. My cock is hard enough to burst.