Page 3 of The Wild Fire

“We’ve got everything under control,” Darcy assures me as I shrug into my short, puffy coat. “I know it’s hard taking time off but don’t worry. We’ve got ya covered, Doc.”

“Thanks, ladies.”

Sometimes it feels like just yesterday that I started as an intern at this animal clinic here at Honey Hill’s medical center. Today, I’m a part-owner of the place and I operate it alongside two other doctors and a small staff. I do get a tad overprotective about my career. After the way I tore my life to shreds four years ago, sometimes, it feels like this place is all I have left.

I pause to squat down and pet a sweet old sheepdog. He’s looking about as tired as I feel after this long, exhausting day. “Hang in there, Marley.” I peer up at the dog’s owners. “Remember. Twice a day on those drops.”

The adorable elderly couple smiles at me. “Thanks so much, Dr. Westbrook,” old Mr. Goodwin says.

His wife nods with relief, leaning her weight on her walking stick. “He’s already looking more like himself,” she tells me.

I wave goodbye to everyone but I don’t make it far before Meghan catches me at the door. “Alana! You forgot your purse.” She comes jogging in my direction, her blonde ponytail swinging behind her.

I smack my forehead. “Geez. Thank you.”

She smiles back at me but traces of worry strain her expression. “Thankyou.I know you’re busy. And you’re only trying to fit all this in for me.”

“And I’m happy to do it, Megs.” I give her shoulder a quick squeeze. “I mean—this is yourweddingwe’re talking about!” I clutch her in a suffocating hug. When she squawks in protest, I just laugh and hug her tighter.

I don’t have to worry about any touchy feely lawsuits, because my vet tech doubles as my lifelong bestie, Meghan Hutchins. Soon-to-be-Westbrook.

Meghan’s wedding to Cash is only a few days away.Oh my gosh, this is so exciting! Helping her prepare for her big day takes me back. Way back. Ten years to be exact.

I was only twenty one, but I remember it so clearly. In the frantic days leading up to my own wedding to Davis Westbrook, I was just as nervous and giddy and overwhelmed as Meghan is now.

The roles were reversed back then. I was the anxious bride and Meghan was my maid of honor, at my side and keeping me sane the whole way through.

Unfortunately, not all weddings come with a built-in fairytale ending.Davis and I didn’t work out. We didn’t even make it to our seventh anniversary.

Regret bubbles up my throat. It tastes a lot like heartburn. I push it back down.

Whenever those feelings try to resurface, I remind myself that Davis and I were never going to work out in the long term. We were young, starry-eyed high school sweethearts. Completely disconnected from reality. Too naive to see the truth that was staring us right in the face. Davis was Honey Hill royalty. And I was just…me.

The odds were stacked against us from the beginning. It’s just too bad I didn’t accept that sooner, before we both experienced so much pain.

Meghan pulls out of my grip, sniffling and wiping her eyes. “Stop with all the hugging.”

I shrug. “That’s what best friends are for.”

“Well, you’re gonna make me cry. And I’m saving all my tears for this weekend.” She swats me—hard—on my butt. “Now get your ass out of here before you miss your car appointment. Nothing is going to stand in the way of you getting to my wedding.” My friend laughs lightly, but I know she’s not kidding in the slightest. Those crazy eyes she’s giving me right now aren’t fooling anybody.

Somehow, her impending nuptials have turned my super down-to-earth bestie into a closeted bridezilla. Meghan has gone from her easy-going sneakers and sweats to this nervous wreck who’s spending hours making ‘chiffon verses taffeta’ pro-con charts.It’s actually quite entertaining to watch.

“You know I wouldn’t miss it.” I give her one last hug and hurry out the front door of the clinic, welcoming the cool spring air.

I climb into my car and head across town to Jasper Autobody and Automotive Repair. I need to get my worn-out windshield wipers replaced before making the trip to Meghan and Cash’s wedding venue in Crescent Harbor.

This spring rain has been worse than it normally is, thanks to an earlier-than-usual hurricane that’s approaching the coast. We don’t get the full effect of hurricanes here in Honey Hill, Iowa, but all the rainstorms accompanying this one have been absolutely battering the neighboring states.

When I get to the mechanic shop, Jasper immediately waves me inside with his trademark swoon machine grin.

“Hey there, lady!” my former brother-in-law greets me.

I climb out of my SUV. “Hey yourself,” I say, grateful when he doesn’t mention the fact that I’m almost fifteen minutes late for my car appointment.

Jasper is another of Davis’s brothers. Considering how young Davis and I were when we started dating, I’ve known his siblings and cousins since they were kids themselves. Jasper, Cash, Harry, even Mason—they were practically my brothers, too.

“How’s that adorable baby of yours?” I ask him.