Page 32 of The Wild Fire

“Signal lost.” I groan. “Back up…A little more…There! Stop.”

Ignoring Davis’s mumblings, I immediately call up Ziggy before the storm can take out whatever cell tower I’m tapped into at the moment.

I say a silent ‘thank you’ to the heavens when she answers. I quickly bring my friend up to speed on the bizarro situation we’re in.

“Ah. I knew that something was brewing in the air today,” Ziggy muses through my earpiece, quickly getting sidetracked.

“What?” I question, not understanding.

“It’s truly serendipitous that you and Davis ended up trapped together. Some might even go as far as calling it providential. Fortuitous. Don’t you think?”

An annoyed sound pushes past my lips.Of coursethat’sthe part of my story that she zeros in on. Not the fact that I, like, almost died today, or the fact that I’m lost and helpless.

“I’ll fill you in on the details of the car accident”—I glance at Davis and drop my voice—“and theother stufflater,” I promise her. “Right now, we just really need directions for how to get back to the highway.”

She prattles on over the crackling phone line. “But don’t you think this might be the working of fate—”

“Focus, Ziggy,” I snap to get her back on track. “We need to get out of this bewildering little town. Fast. The flooding is getting worse by the hour.”

“By the minute,” Davis mutters under his breath next to me. He’s eavesdropping.

Ziggy’s focus comes back to the emergency at hand. “Sorry, girl. There’s no way out of town if the main roadway is blocked. You and Davis will have to wait until the road is cleared.”

I blink through my panic. “But we…that can’t…we need…No. Crap, are you sure?”

“Starlight Falls isn’t exactly known for its intricate network of trafficways. But if you’re looking for a spiritual awakening, you’re definitely in the right place. While you’re in town you should check out the spring chakra revival ceremony down by the—”

“Ziggy!” I bark.

“Sorry.” I can picture her physically trying to shake out of her rambling fog.

I drop my forehead into my palm and groan again. “What are we going to do?”

It’s almost completely dark. And we’re on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

“We’ll have to get a hotel room,” Davis says. When my head shoots up in his direction, he corrects himself. “Twohotel rooms.”

Ziggy must hear him through the phone because she says, “The hotel situation is dreadful in Starlight Falls. But I can get you somewhere to stay for the night.”

“You can?” I peek over at Davis who’s staring at me intently, trying to pick up bits and pieces of the conversation.

Whoa! Those silver-gray eyes are intense. His stare is overwhelming.

“Zig, I’m putting you on speakerphone,” I tell my friend, so the grumpy Adonis in the seat next to me doesn’t have to keep staring at me.

She continues. “My aunt and uncle have a small hunter’s cabin on their property. It’s not too far from town. It’d be okay for just one night.”

I gulp cartoonishly. “A cabin?”

“It’s not as bad as it sounds,” Ziggy promises with an unconvincing laugh.

I’m not so sure how comfortable I feel with this suggestion. One look at Davis tells me he’s not happy with the idea either.

“I know, I know,” Ziggy goes on, “I can hear you hesitating. But trust me when I tell you there’s no better alternative. Are you interested or not?”

Slowly, Davis nods at me at the same time that I nod at him.

“We’re not so great with the map situation,” Davis speaks up. “Think we can also get some directions? I can hardly find a road sign out here in Star Fall Springs.”