Page 142 of The Wild Fire

My groom and I hush up long enough for the officiant to do his opening speech, complete with the famous Elvis voice and his trademark hip wiggle.

Oh, jeez.

Elvis goes through Luther and Noelle’s vows, and we watch as they slide their old wedding bands back on each other’s fingers. Meghan and Cash are up next, and the billionaire gives his bride a diamond that could easily be mistaken for a lightbulb. It’sthatbig and shiny.

Finally, it’s our turn.

Elvis gets ready to go through the same spiel for me and Davis, but I interrupt him right before he commands me to repeat the standard vows after him.

“Sorry.” I cringe. “I’d like to say my own vows. If that’s okay?”

Davis smiles at me, his gorgeous eyes twinkling with love. “It’s okay, Princess,” he encourages me.

I turn, facing him and taking both of his calloused hands in mine. Beyond the chapel windows, a light drizzle starts to fall.

Rain on our wedding day. I smile. I guess everything worked out exactly as it was supposed to, huh?

I begin by telling my groom just how much he means to me. My eyes are blurry with tears by the time I say, “…and I can never apologize enough for the bad choices I made, for taking matters into my own hands when I should have trusted you. I should have come to you. From here on out, we do this together. You and me, Westbrook. My partner. My superhero. My best friend. Forever.”

I slide the ring from our first wedding back onto my groom’s hand.

Those hooded gray eyes pour into mine as Davis stares back at me. “My sweet Allie. You’ve been my other half since we were practically kids. You’re my sole reason for living. For breathing. For waking up every day—”

“What about me…?” I hear Harry grumble from his seat.

“Shut up, dickhead,” Davis clips back.

“Pipe down and let your brother finish,” Grammy scolds. “You’re not too old for a spanking, boy.”

Laughter rings out from the pews.

Noelle shakes her head. “And this is why we can’t do this in a church,” she mutters, but she’s still all smiles. I can tell that, to her, the rowdiness of her family is what really makes this day special.

Elvis gets us all back on track, returning our attention to Davis’s sweet vows. He slides a glittering ring onto my finger. It’s Grammy’s ring. The same ring Davis married me with when we were only 21. Back where it belongs on my finger. If my heart wasn’t melting before, it’s a pile of goop now. “I love you, Allie.”

“I love you, too.”

Elvis steps back, his gaze passing over all three of us couples. “I now pronounce you man and wife…and man and wife…and man and wife.” He grins wide. “Gentlemen, you may now kiss your brides.”

Shouting and cheering fills the chapel. But I have to admit that I sort of lose track of everyone else in the room. Davis is kissing the hell out of me.And that’s all I care about.

It’s fair to say it’s a happy ending for the Westbrooks.

All of us. Even me.



Ten years later…

Alana rolls over in my arms and gives me a sleepy smile. “Good morning, Mr. Governor.”

I lean in and nibble on her pouty bottom lip, the familiar scent of lavender and lemon surrounding me. “Good morning, my First Lady.”

It’s barely the crack of dawn. The sky is slowly taking on that purple-orange hue. The rest of our day will be overrun by obligations. But these early morning moments are just for us.

Alana kisses my jaw, my neck, my chest. Then she allows her lips to travel down my side where her name is inked into my skin.