Page 80 of The Wild Fire

She accepts my money with a smile and I wander over to the condiment display at the end of her long table.

I smother one half of the sausage with mustard and ketchup. The way Davis likes it.

As I’m reaching for the crunchy onions to garnish my half, a husky voice drawls just over my shoulder. “You must be one of Rainbow and Jimmy’s guests?”

I turn to find a tall and rather attractive man grinning expectantly at me, short brown hair curling out from under his black hockey tuque.

“Yes, hi. I’m Alana.” I take his hand when he offers it. But instead of giving a brief shake, he lifts my hand to his mouth and slides his lips across my knuckles.

“Ronan,” the man informs me, those pearly whites shining like a toothpaste commercial.

“Um, nice to meet you, Ronan.” I offer a tight smile as I extract my fingers from his grasp.

Yes, dude has that whole big-shouldered, pretty boy jock thing going on, but I’d really like my hand back please.

This guy is obviously several years younger than I am, but apparently that won’t deter him from hitting on me. He’s cute, I’ll give him that. But I’m not interested.

“Rainbow definitely didn’t mention it was a supermodel she has staying with her.” His playful eyes flit over me, a flirtatious smile dancing on his lips.

I almost roll my eyes and ask him if that line ever works for him. But then I scan his handsome face again and realize that cheesy pickup lines like that probably get him laid on the regular.

He comes across as the type of charming idiot that women can’t help but fall for. The type of guy who would flirt with a beer can in a skirt if he were drunk enough. Harmless but a tiny bit annoying to anyone who’s evolved past the high school sophomore level of flirting.

“Myhusbandand I have been staying here for a few days.” I emphasize the ‘husband’ part, maybe a little harsher than necessary. “Jimmy and Rainbow were kind enough to let us stay with them until the roads are clear.”

His lips twitch with a poorly restrained grin. He nods slowly. “Ooh, yourhusband. I see, I see.”

I huff out a laugh at the exaggerated way he says it.

My eyes roam off, searching for Davis again. I spot him standing with the same chatty group.

But this time, his eyes are on me. Well, on Ronan—actually—and it looks like my ex is trying to set the poor guy’s hair on fire with nothing but his incinerating glare.My possessive caveman.

Before I can react, two other handsome men stroll up beside Ronan.Whoa! They sure build ‘em tall, dark and handsome out here in Starlight Falls.

In fact, one guy’s face is a carbon copy of my flirty new friend. Twins, definitely twins. The third guy strongly resembles the other two as well but he’s not identical.

Ronan’s twin brother smacks the back of his head.

“Ouch!” Without looking back, Ronan sends an elbow flying into the newcomer’s ribs.

“We let you off your leash for five seconds and you’re already trying to hump a pretty girl’s leg. Which is precisely why we only let you out of the house once or twice a week for fresh air.” Hot Twin shakes his head. He stretches a hand out to me. “I’m Nolan. Fair warning—anything my brother just said to you about his sex game is agrossexaggeration.” He cups a hand around his mouth. “I’mthe brother with the bedroom skills.” His lips swing into a half-grin.

The third brother throws his head up to the sky. “Don’t listen to Nolan. His last girlfriend said she left him because he kisses like a bearded toilet plunger,” he tells me. To demonstrate, he’s hollowing out his cheeks and making over the top sucking sounds.

I utter a small laugh through my nose.

Nolan rolls his eyes. “That girl just couldn’t handle my passion. She never deserved me.” He pops his collar and pouts like a petulant child.

Brother Number Three sucks his teeth. “Excuses, excuses.” He grins dorkishly and I laugh again. Clearly pleased to see me laughing at his jokes, he introduces himself. “I’m Felix, by the way.”

“Alana. Nice to meet you. Thanks for giving me the dirt,” I say to him, stifling a laugh behind my palm.

“According to the long-running opinion poll around town, the ladies agree thatI’mthe best kisser out of all my brothers,” Felix goes on proudly.

I nod slowly. “Good for you.”

Nearby, Nolan grumbles. “That poll is rigged and you know it.”