Page 44 of The Wild Fire

This can’t be good for my health.

“I need to get out of here, man!” I blurt out.

Cash laughs heartily. Clearly, he’s enjoying my distress. “Stop being a little punk.”

“Dude—if my dick spontaneously combusts and I have to spend the weekend in the operating room getting it reconstructed instead of coming to your wedding, you won’t find it so funny.”

“Well, maybe you should do something to keep it from combusting. Wink, wink.”

“I can’t believe you just said, ‘wink, wink’.” I shake my head.

“I most certainly did.” He doubles down. “That might be exactly what you and Alana need. A little something-something to break the ice, to take some of the edge off.” Well, today, my brother is justfullof advice I don’t want to hear.

“I don’t need to take the edge off. I need to get away from her.”

“Yeah—run from your feelings. Real mature, Davis.”

“The only thing I’m feeling in that cabin with her is claustrophobic.”

“Whatever. You’re in denial.” He chortles. “Just hurry up and get down here. I’m trying to marry the love of my life and you guys are cramping my style, all stranded and shit.”

“Oh, sorry to inconvenience you. Never mind me, trying not to run off the road into a ditch multiple times last night.” I scoff. “The storm was brutal. We’re probably lucky that that tree trapped us here in this town. The weather conditions kept getting worse. Who knows where we’d be if we weren’t forced to stop for the night.”

“I know. Meghan’s half-sisters and her step-mother made it halfway to Crescent Harbor, before they turned around and went back home, not wanting to get stuck in the dangerous flooding. And Jasper and Grammy stayed put in Honey Hill when the rain started getting really bad.”

“And what about Nicky?” I ask about our baby sister.

“Her train from Chicago was canceled, too.”

“Shit. That’s not good.” I rake my hand through my hair.

“I’ll tell you whoishere, though…” Cash says, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

“Who?” I question. He’s got me curious.

“Zara,” he spits out.

“Zara? Zara-Zara? Mason’s Zara?” I ask in disbelief.


“What the hell? He said he was done with her.”

“That’s what he always says.”

“What’s his excuse this time?”

“He claims she caught him in a moment of vulnerability after he quit his job. I was only half-listening when he started with his lame justifications. But it was something along the lines of, she showed up at his house when he was on his way out the door. She asked if they could go inside and talk. Then she put his dick in her mouth and let him come all over her tits. Long story, short.”

I throw my head back and groan. “Ugh—the blowjob gets him every time. For a doctor, he’s such an idiot when it comes to that woman.”

Cash laughs. “I know. More and more, I’m starting to believe Grammy’s theory that Zara put a spell on him.”

I change the subject because our cousin is a hopeless case. “So how are things over there? How’s Meghan handling everything?”

The groom-to-be sighs. “Meghan is a darling, as always. She’s having the most polite mental breakdown in the history of mankind. I think she thinks that holding her shit together will keep me from worrying about her. But the more she bottles everything up, the more I fucking worry about her. She’s under a lot of pressure and I’m sort of scared she’ll reach her tipping point and blow her lid out of nowhere.”

“Understandable,” I say empathetically. “Look, we’re doing our best to get out of here. Hopefully, we’ll be on the road in a couple of hours. I’ll call you when we’re about to leave.”