Page 107 of The Wild Card

“I really do,” I confess with a smile.

“Okay, then. When can I meet her?” She sounds excited now.Oh, boy.

I quickly try to rein her in. “Now’s not a good time, butt face. We’re still trying to figure things out. We’re trying to clear up all the complications so we can stay married. So we don’t have to hide from the world.”

Nadia and I haven’t even discussed living arrangements, finances, those sorts of things. And just thinking about dealing with Liam makes my stomach tight with nerves. But I would face down a fire-breathing dragon—barefoot, in my underwear, with a paper bag over my head—if it meant I get to keep Nadia in the long run.

“Poor girl. I’d be having second thoughts too, having to deal with your moody butt forever and ever,” Nicky sasses.

Okay, looks like sheisa teensy bit pissed at me.

I blow out a breath, raking my fingers through my hair. “I deserve that.”

“Wow! Accepting responsibility like a boss.” She sounds impressed. “So, you really,reallylike this girl! Squee!”

“She’s my fucking soulmate, Nicks. No exaggeration.” I unplug the iron, putting my phone on speaker while I finish getting dressed. I get lost in my feelings and tell my sister all about the insanely amazing person Nadia Chester is. “I fucking know the two of you will get along well. Especially when you start talking business and workplace politics and all that stuff.”

“I like her already,” Nicky coos.

“Good! So if you have any pointers to help me seal the deal, I’m all ears.”

“Well, I think you need to show her that you’re going to support her. Not smother her or try to hold her back. She sounds like a hard-working woman, probably trying to navigate a male-dominated work environment all day. So when she comes home to you, you need to show her that you see her as your equal. And be on your best damn behavior!”

“I always behave around Nadia,” I harrumph, shrugging into my shirt and buttoning up the front.

“And remember—no matter how independent we might be, all women like a strong, mature man who can take charge when the occasion calls for it. I know that might sound archaic, but this is a well-kept secret among womankind that I’m letting you in on.”

I grin. “Well, it looks like I’ve figured at least one thing out on my own.” I think back to the night of the gala, to how Nadia leaned on me, seeking refuge from her ex. It made me feel needed, being there for her in that moment, holding her pieces together when she was falling apart.

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you to be controlling or swoop in like Superman to steal her thunder when it’s her moment to shine,” Nicky qualifies. “What I’m saying is, you need to be her pillar when she needs you. You need to let her know that she always has a backup as long as you’re around. But you also need to know when to step back and let her do her thing. I know you like to be Romeo all the time, but sometimes, you need to let her be her own hero.”

“I can do that,” I say confidently, checking the time and realizing that this conversation is about to make me late. “Nicks, thanks for all the advice. I need to get going if I’m going to be on time for my date.”

“Okay, don’t let me keep you.” I can hear the excitement in her voice.

“I’m glad we talked about this.”

“Psht—especially after you tried to keep me in the dark,” she spits out.

“Won’t happen again,” I promise her.

“It better not,” she threatens. “And I’m really excited to meet Nadia.”

“We’ll make it happen soon, hopefully.”

“Good luck tonight, Harry. I love you.”

“Love you, too, Nicky.”

We say our goodbyes and hang up the phone. Then I’m dabbing on some cologne, throwing on my shoes and heading out the door.

My pulse thumps like crazy in my throat as I drive to pick Nadia up from her house. I stop at a flower shop and pick up the biggest, most obnoxious bouquet I can find.

When I ring the doorbell, I half-expect her father and his angry mustache to be standing on the other side of the door. But when it swings open, it’s none other than my beautiful wife lingering there in a little black dress, wearing a radiant smile.

My jaw drops open at the sight of her.

“Hi,” she says shyly.