Page 102 of The Wild Card

“I’m glad, too,” I say. “And boy—that was one heck of a kiss.”

“As I knew it would be.” Smug Bastard. “And I absolutely loved the other things that came after that kiss, too.”

When Harry asked me—demanded me—to kiss him in the middle of the restaurant the other night, I almost did it. I wanted to. So bad. My desire to please him—to give in to his desires—scared me far more than the idea of the kiss itself. Which is why I ran. Because I knew that if I let him kiss me again, it would be all over for me.

I was right. Here I am, in his arms. Wrecked. Done. I’m not going anywhere. I’m his. But I’m not complaining.

This is where I belong.

I take a cookie from the plate and feed him a bite. Crumbs fall all over my shoulder and Harry leans in, lapping them right off my body and making me giggle at the tickly sensation.

“You won’t regret this, Nadia. I know that everything’s a mess right now. But we’re going to figure it out. We’re gonna make it work. Promise.”

The smile slips from my face and a nervous sensation takes over.

That’s exactly the problem. The fact that I’ve decided I want to be with Harry doesn’t automatically make all our obstacles go away. In fact, it amplifies them. He’s still a Paragons player. I’m still the team lawyer. And now we’re married and doing a pretty terrible job of keeping it a secret.

This is going to blow up in our faces.

Harry’s finger taps me lightly on the head. “What’s going on in there, Dream Girl?”

On that note, I shift in his arms, turning until we're face to face. I want to be able to look into the depths of his chestnut eyes when I say this. “We’re going to have to deal with Liam…” I say, lifting my head to gauge his reaction.

He doesn’t flinch. “I’ll talk to Liam. If you want to tag along with me, that’s fine. But I’ll take the blame.”

I vigorously wag my head left to right like a crazy woman.

“Nadia—I saidIwill talk to Liam.” Oh, wow. Gotta say I love the bossy, grumbly, post-orgasmic side to my always-agreeable husband.

Still, I fight him. “You don’t understand, Harry. As a lawyer, I have ethical obligations. If I don’t handle this situation delicately, I could lose—not only my job—but my license to practice, too. And I know that’s the absolute worst case scenario, but it is a possibility and I have to be mindful of that.”

He’s quiet for a long stretch. He must read the fear on my face. His jaw flexes and he spits out, “Fine. But if anyone’s going down for this, I want it to be me. Tell me what you need me to do to protect you and I’ll do it.”

“Harry…” I cup his beautiful face.

“I’m serious. I don’t want you getting hurt in this.”

“I won’t get hurt. I know what I’m doing.” I don’t. But I’ll figure it out. I have to.

We lie quietly together for a little while, staring into the fireplace, and then Harry speaks. “Can I tell you a secret?”

“Yeah.” I twist to face him. “What’s your secret?”

“Promise not to laugh at me.”

I’m the one to stretch my pinkie finger out to him this time. “Pinkie promise.”

He locks his shortest finger around mine and grins. “So, I know you’re my wife and all that jazz, but…I have the biggest crush on you.”

I giggle, burrowing closer to him. “Well, that’s a relief. I have the biggest crush on you, too.”

“Before I even met you, I knew you were out there somewhere. That all I had to do was find you. And the moment I first saw you, I just…knew. Now, it’s the honor of my life to call you mine.”

My eyes fill with tears and they come pouring out and there’s no way to stop them. “Why are you so good to me?” I whimper.

“Because loving you feels good to me. Giving you everything you deserve makes me feel so fucking good, babe. I want to give you every fucking thing you deserve. I want to give you a life you’ve only ever dreamed of.” Leaning over me, he cups my jaw in both of his large hands, staring at me in that magnetic way he does. “I don’t even know where to start.”

“How about we start with a first official date?” I suggest cheekily.