“Hi,” she chirped happily as she looked down at me.
My chest shook on a silent laugh. “I see you’re feeling nice and boozy already.”
“Yep,” she answered, popping the P loudly.
“I take it book club was fun?”
“A blast as usual. Oh! Speaking of—” She smacked me on my shoulders and twisted in my hold to look over her shoulder, shouting across the parking lot, “Thanks for coming, Janine! See you at the next meeting!”
I shouldn’t have been surprised that Lyric was able to crack the shell of the hardest, unhappiest woman in town. If there was anyone who could get through, it was my girl. She was impossible not to like, and her newfound friendship with the cranky woman was further proof of that. Lyric said there was more to the story with her, layers that someone needed to take the time to peel back, and she’d taken it upon herself to do exactly that.
She waved dramatically at the woman who was rolling her eyes as she pulled her car door open, but I could see the smile she was trying so hard to keep suppressed. The sour expression and exasperation were all for show. Lyric and I both knew that now.
Hell, even if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t care. The woman had saved Lyric’s life, so I’d owe her for as long as I lived.
“How’d the group take Janine joining the ranks?”
She shrugged as I carried her around the truck to the passenger side. “They were fine with her, just like I knew they would be. She’ll grumble and sulk, but mark my word, we’ll wear her down eventually. She’s one of us whether she likes it or not.”
“Baby, something tells me that woman doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do. If she really and truly didn’t want to be a part of your club, she wouldn’t have come.”
“Exactly,” she exclaimed as I pulled the door open and deposited her into the seat. “Like I said, wearing her down.” She spun in the seat to give Churro some loving before buckling up.
I climbed behind the wheel and started the engine, pointing my truck toward my parents’ house. “Alexis already called to make sure we were coming,” I told Lyric as we cruised through the streets of our sleepy town, her hand tucked firmly in mine on the center console. “She said something about grownup juice? Whatever the hell that is.”
My girl let out a tinkling, musical laugh, her smile lighting up my entire world.
“Hey,” I called, giving her hand a squeeze to pull her attention to me. “You know I love you, right?”
She hummed happily. “I do. Just like I know the best decision I ever made was to make this town my home. All it took was one look at a gorgeous man with a great smile and an even better ass.”
My head fell back on a deep, cleansing laugh.
I thanked my lucky stars every single day that this incredible woman gave me a second chance after making my biggest mistake. Because making Lyric Jackson mine was the most favorite mistakeIever made.
The End.