Page 50 of Favorite Mistake

Still rumbling quietly with laughter, I turned her back around and resumed our earlier position. I dragged my lips along her silky-smooth shoulder as I thought of how to word what needed to be said. Finally, I settled on, “You know what this means, right?”

I felt her body tense up a little, and when I lifted my head just a bit, I could see her chewing on her bottom lip nervously. That was my fault. After the last time... well, I was sure she wasn’t expecting the best.

I was a fucking idiot.

“Um, why don’t—” She stopped to clear her throat. “I think maybe it would be best if you went ahead and just said it. I don’t want to make any assumptions. Like last time,” she finished on a whisper.

Fuck, she was killing me.

I pulled her to her back so I could see her face. Her eyes darted all around, looking anywhere but at me, so I took her chin between my fingers and spoke gently. “Hey, will you look at me, please?”

Finally, our gazes locked, and the worry swimming in hers made a lump form in my throat. “This isn’t like last time. I already told you, I screwed up when I walked out on you. I know that now, but I had a lot of shit swirling around inside my head.”

“Shit like what?”

I didn’t want to bring Carla Sanford into this room with us. Not just then, when things weren’t as settled as I wanted them to be. Eventually, I knew I was going to have to tell her the truth, but that was for another time.

“Nothing that matters right now. But I need you to know that this is different.” That feral part of me that I couldn’t help but unleash with this woman reared up, and I reached down to cup between her thighs, feeling her skin sticky with our combined release. “You’re mine, baby. When you let me inside you bare, you were agreeing to that. You’ve got my cum inside you and on your skin, that makes you mine.”

She licked her lips, her eyes growing hazy as she squirmed beneath my touch. I could feel she was getting turned on again, and damn if that didn’t make my cock twitch. That shouldn’t have been possible, given I was knocking on the door of forty and had just come so damn hard I nearly blacked out. I figured I wouldn’t be able to go again for at least an hour. And I was going to need a few bottles of Gatorade at that. “What—what does that mean?”

I leaned in, brushed my lips against hers, and pulled away, smiling victoriously when she lifted her head to follow, not ready to lose the connection. “It means we’re doing this. The two of us. We’re done playing games, and we’re going to give this a real shot. That good with you?”

She smiled, lighting up her whole face, as well as that place within my chest that had been cold and dark since I’d walked away from her. “Yeah, Holt. That’s good with me.”

I kissed her briefly. “Good, Little Dove. Now, I’m going to get a damp rag to clean you up.”

“What, why?” she asked as I rolled away and climbed out of the bed.

“Because your pussy’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten, and I’m hungry again.”

She shivered with delight, and just like that, I was hard as stone and ready to go again.



I hadn’t knownwhat to expect during a Clarke family dinner, and if I were being honest, I was actually a little nervous. Okay, I was a freaking wreck. There hadn’t been many boyfriends for me growing up, what with my family being a dysfunctional wreck and all, so I was way out of my depth here.

Technically, I’d met Holton’s family already, but there was something that felt... official about us attending this dinner together. I was worried they wouldn’t like me if they got to know the real me. I wanted so badly to make a good first—or was it third—impression, that by the time we pulled into his parents’ driveway, I’d twisted myself into knots.

I clutched Churro like a lifeline, foregoing her doggie booster seat so I could try and absorb some of the comfort she offered.

Holton shifted into park and killed the ignition, bracing one of his thick, sexy forearms on the steering wheel as he turned to look at me. “You need to relax, Dove,” he said, having shortened his endearment for me since we became officially... whatever we were. We’d agreed we were together, sure, but we hadn’t exactly labeled it. “You’re locked up so damn tight, I’m surprised you haven’t cut off the blood supply to your brain yet.”

I huffed out an exaggerated exhale as I stared out the windshield at the traditional red brick ranch with white trim. “You think I haven’t tried? I can’t exactly help it. If I could, I wouldn’t be such a mess right now. Maybe we should do this another time. I mean, we only officially got togetheryesterday. In most relationships, this would constitute too damn early to share a meal with your folks.”

Holton reached over the console, tracing his thumb along my jawline before taking hold of my chin and turning my face toward his. “You’ve got nothing to worry about. It’s not like this is the first time you’re meeting, and you already know my mom loves you. Alexis too, though I don’t know how I feel about the two of you together. You’re trouble individually. I’m concerned about the kind of havoc you guys could wreak together.”

“I know what you’re doing, and I really appreciate it. But it’s not going to work. This is a big deal. I’ve never—I’ve never met a guy’s parents before, you know, as his...”

“As his girlfriend?” he finished for me, and I couldn’t stop the goofy smile that stretched my lips wide.

“I didn’t want to assume.”

He leaned in, placing a kiss against my lips, and when he pulled back, I followed after for a second, not ready for it to end. “Assume away, baby. You’re mine and I’m yours. You want to be my girlfriend, that works for me. Just as long as you end each day in my bed.”

“Ooh,” I drew out teasingly before saying in a sing-song voice, “Holton’s got a girlfriend.”