‘Khalil,’ she began, to say what she didn’t know. But then he moved, putting his glass down on the parapet and taking a step closer to her. He raised a hand, and before she could draw breath he’d lifted it, cupping her cheek in one large, warm palm.
‘But I still remember that man, Sidonie.’ He looked down into her face, his expression fierce. ‘I am not him now, but I still have his memories. He was your friend once and you were his. So, if you will not do it for my people, will you do it for him? For the sake of the friendship you once shared with him?’
She couldn’t move. All the breath had left her body. Something inside her was trembling and no matter how hard she tried to ignore it, she couldn’t. His fingertips lightly pressing against the side of her face burned like fire, and there was a familiar ache tightening inside her, right down between her thighs.
The glowing ember she’d seen in his eyes in that moment in the helicopter was back, lighting the darkness, turning his intensity into a force of nature that robbed her of all thought. He’d never turned it on her before, not like this...
She wanted desperately to tell him that man had also walked away from her and hurt her, to turn away so he wasn’t touching her, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. It was as if she’d been waiting all her life for him to touch her like this, to cup her cheek in just this way and look down into her eyes as he was doing right now...
‘I can make it worth your while,ya hayati.’ His gaze searched her face, searing her as surely as the touch of his fingers. ‘I know you still want me. I have seen it in your eyes.’
The humiliation she remembered from all those years ago crept through her. The words she’d said to him on the snowy street in Soho, and how his expression had closed up completely. How he’d turned away without a word and left her standing there alone.
That had been her last memory of him, watching him walk away while her heart had crumbled.
Her muscles tightened at the memory, but he gripped her a little harder, and murmured, ‘No, Sidonie. Stay.’
‘Why should I?’ The words came out shaky and raw. ‘You don’t feel that way about me. I know you don’t.’
‘Do I not?’ The glitter in his eyes became more intense and that was the only warning she got. The next second, he’d bent his head and his mouth was on hers.
The whole world stopped. It was as if a bolt of lightning had hit her, arrowing straight down her spine, rooting her to the spot.
Khalil was kissing her. Khalil was kissingher.
His fingers gripped her, pressing against her jaw, and she was tinder-dry grass, his mouth a flame, igniting her already smouldering desire and making it blaze into sudden, furious life.
A sigh of sheer relief escaped her, because she’d been waiting for this moment for ten years, hoping for it yet also knowing at the same time it would never come. Because he didn’t feel that way about her. She’d told herself that so many times, and in the absence of any sign to the contrary she’d come to believe it.
Except apparently she’d been wrong all this time.
She was shaking as the reality of what was happening began to hit, and along with the relief came a dizzying wave of desire. All thought of pretending she wasn’t affected by him, that she didn’t still want him, vanished. The only thing that mattered was that she have more, get closer, because this was wasn’t enough. It wouldneverbe enough.
Instinctively she lifted her hands, curling her fingers into the fine wool of his jacket, leaning into him. He was still, and for a terrible second she thought this would be that street in Soho all over again.
But then he moved again, pushing her up against the parapet and pinning her there with the hot length of his body. He was still cupping her cheek with one hand, and he shifted his thumb, pressing down on her bottom lip and opening her mouth to him, deepening the kiss.
Heat exploded between them, his tongue sweeping inside, devouring her as if she was a feast set before him and he was starving.
All conscious thought left her. There was only the press of his powerful body against hers, caging her against the stone. His hand slid from her jaw to the back of her head, cradling her as he kissed her harder, deeper.
Sometimes, alone in her college rooms at night, she’d allow herself to fantasise about what it would be like to kiss him or to have him kiss her, and she’d always thought it would be amazing. But the reality was better. Better than anything she could have possibly imagined.
Thiswas what she’d been dreaming about for many years. His mouth on hers, kissing her as if he wanted her every bit as badly as she wanted him. And shedidwant him. She’d always wanted him and she probably always would.
What about your heart? You can’t let him get this close...not again.
She wouldn’t though. She knew how to protect herself. And anyway, this was just a kiss and she’d wanted a taste of him for so long. This was allowed, surely?
Her hands slid beneath his jacket, pressing against the white cotton of his shirt, feeling the iron-hard muscle and heat of his chest. He felt so good, warm and strong, and he smelled like heaven. Musk and sandalwood and exotic spices.
She’d missed him, she could admit that now. She’d missed him so much.
A helpless moan escaped her. She arched into him, the throb between her legs demanding, and, as if he knew exactly what she wanted, one hard thigh eased between hers, creating the most exquisite pressure.
She was a virgin. She’d never even been kissed before. But she knew what physical pleasure was and how to give it to herself, and yet the way he made her feel right now, even though he was barely touching her... It was more intense than anything she’d ever experienced. More intense than anything she could have imagined.
‘Khal,’ she whispered. ‘Oh, please...’