Page 60 of Bad Prince

“So you understand.”

“I absolutely do.”

I smile at him with my weary eyes.

“And I’m sorry about your friend. That’s a terrible loss.”

I nod, the lump in my throat returning, my anger and grief now pivoting to the proper place.

I turn my gaze out to the sea and take a cleansing breath. This is the night I finally have the companion I longed for. Even after everything we’ve done, this feels like a real connection.

“Right. We need to get you to the funeral.”

This has me sitting up straight. “What on earth?”

“You should be there. It’s not fair that you’re stuck here. With me.”

I blink at this man who has clearly lost his marbles. “You can’t be serious.”

I already know by looking at him that he’s dead serious.

“Do you want to go to the funeral of your friend?”

Oh gods. The grief has me by the throat, and I can’t fix my face. I press my lips together and look away.

“We’re going to get you out of here.”

“Etienne.” The tears are flowing now, and I can’t stop them. “That’s a lovely thought, but the exits are guarded by armed men. Security is watching us. We’ve got dense jungle to the west and cliffs to the east—there are no footpaths, by the way, I looked—and we’re stranded on a rock that can only be reached by boat. We cannot access the ferry because of the scary dudes with guns. What do you suggest?”

Etienne stands and comes to me, leaning over for what I first think is a kiss. This is not the time for that. I move away, but he grips my shoulders and repeats himself.

“We. Are getting. Off. This island.”

And somehow, I believe him.



“I like this plan,” Kala says when I lay out exactly what I think we should do.

“We don’t know when the funeral is, so I say we leave now. Right now,” I say, pointing to the dense jungle behind us.

She shakes her head. “We need to wait for our moment. And we can’t go in there without supplies. We’ll need a compass and water… there’s a lot to think about in case we have to hunker down in the forest.”

I squint at her. “What do you know about hunkering down in the forest?”

She lifts one shoulder. “It happens sometimes. What, do you think my job with the Human Rights Council involved only sitting behind a desk?”

“No, I…what exactly did you do?”

Her knowing smile makes my dick hard, and this is not the time. We’re hatching a plan, and I may still be a little drunk.

“If I told you that, then I’d have to kill you,” she says with a wink.

“Wait a minute…”

“Don’t worry about it,” she says sternly.