There’s some talk about declaring Sig the next in line just because a king can do that, according to some obscure law of the monarchy. But when I turn to look, the Wild Prince is nowhere to be seen.
I don’t dare move a muscle, not even after Torben, Hailey, and Flora leave.
All that’s left in the room is Etienne, me, and the king and queen.
And here is where the king finally says precisely what he wants from me.
He turns to Etienne. “Stand up, boy, and greet your fiancée.”
The shocked Etienne stands and gestures wildly. “Don’t I get a say in this? You gave Torben a month.”
“And he betrayed me in less than a week. I changed the rules. Deal with it.”
Etienne’s question is a knife to my heart. Of course, he gets a say in this, as he should. So why does it hurt that he automatically doesn’t want me? That his gut reaction is to argue?
The queen exits unceremoniously as the king and Etienne share some words privately in the corner. I can’t hear what they’re saying to one another, but something in the king’s words makes Etienne’s beautiful face blanch.
King Otto is not a subtle man, so I can only imagine he’s threatening to cut Etienne off financially if he doesn’t go through with this engagement.
He doesn’t want this.
I want him desperately—or my libido does—but not under these circumstances.
Just what the hell am I being roped into now?
A sea breeze and a gently rocking hammock are all I need.
I’m so glad I did this for myself. Ditched the royal family drama and found myself a private tropical island with my favorite person: me. Just me, the seagulls, and unlimited booze.
I will need food, eventually. I’ll worry about that when I sober up.
Then again, I’m unsure how the food will arrive here, as this is a deserted tropical island. Oh, probably the same delivery method as the whiskey.
See? Nothing to worry about.
Although, I am feeling a bit peckish. My throat is starting to feel like the Sahara desert.
Ah, but listen to those waves lapping the shore. It’s enough to make me forget all my troubles. And let’s face it, a prince of Gravenland has no real problems.
Except, I am feeling a bit headachy, if I’m honest.
Wonder if this deserted island has any pain medicine.
Probably not.
My phone. Of course, that must be how I got the whiskey in the first place. The Door Dash app also works for remote tropical islands, if you can believe it.
So, that’s four things I need: a steak dinner, bottled water, more whiskey, and pain medication. Then, I’ll be all set.
I dig my phone out of my pocket, and something strange happens when I type in my passcode. It seems I’ve forgotten it. I stare at the digital keypad, yet the code doesn’t come to me immediately. I close my eyes and think hard, saying the numbers out loud.
I open my eyes again and type the code, but my fingers move slowly. Everything is such an effort; it’s frustrating. And on top of that, whenever I try to type the code, I get a number wrong and must redo it.
Seven or eight times, this happens.