“It’s wonderful, isn’t it?”
“It’s good,” he says.
“Your keys, Your Highness.” One of our personal attendants is trying to get my attention.
I’m not yet used to the royal title.
The attendant hands me the keys as a concierge lingers nearby.
I reach out my hand in greeting.
The concierge comes forward and nods his head reverently. “It’s an honor to have Your Highnesses. Anything you need at all, don’t hesitate to call or text at any hour.”
He seems to know exactly who we are, but I make polite introductions anyway. He tells us his name is Steffen, and he’s eager to serve our every need. I could be wrong, but I hear a slight growl of disapproval from Etienne’s direction.
One of our assistants gives Steffen a stern look. “The royal newlyweds will reach out through me, and I’ll pass everything along to you. Likewise, all their food, beverages, shampoos, toothpaste—all of it will have to be tested by the royal handlers.”
Etienne snorts. “This should be fun.”
Maybe it’s the fruit, but I feel daring and squeeze his hand. “We can ditch the handlers. Just say the word.”
He gives me the biggest, wickedest smile I’ve seen from him yet. “You probably wouldn’t be talking about ditching our handlers if Uther was here.”
“What is with you and Uther? Are you trying to start a rumor?”
He shrugs. “The last several women I’ve dated only wanted to use me to get to silent kilted one.”
“That’s weird,” I say.
“Funny. He seems exactly like your type.”
“Well, he’s not,” I snap, rather too loudly.
Perhaps we’re not in love, but Etienne does know how to push my buttons.
The suite of rooms has one bed and one double-sink bathroom.
I don’t know what I was expecting. Of course, there’s only one bed. It’s a honeymoon suite.
And gods save the king if I dare request another room. Word will get out, and there will be hell to pay.
It’s a massive bed, but it won’t be enough acreage to keep me away from Kala.
She’s already fogging everything up by smiling at me when no one is watching. I’d thought she was false at first. Which is why I felt no guilt suggesting we make a divorce pact.
But she continues to be that person when we’re alone. She’s quietly confident, kind to everyone, diplomatic with me, well-spoken, and perfect in every possible way a human being can be.
What the hell did I get myself into? A happy relationship?
This is not going to work. If I fall for her, I’ll ruin her life. A drunk can rise to be king—let’s face it, we have no real power and there have been others on the throne with far worse toxic traits. But I cannot get attached.
Kala is a fixer. I can feel it every time she looks at me. And I’d rather live a lifetime without love than drag her down to my level.
While I’m in the shower, I think about how to keep her at a distance. Instead, I can only focus on Kala waiting for me to finish so she can do…whatever she does before bed.