“Oh my god,” he whispered. Aaaaand then he grinned. “Are you tryin’ to ask me if I’m seeing someone back home?”

My eyes shot to his.

He laughed. “You totally are!”

Thunder rolled outside.

“You wanna know if I’m seein’ someone. That’s what this is all about. You taking your shirt off. Asking me to rub sunscreen on your back. Drinkin’ water like a porn star.”

“I did not drink that water like a porn star.”

“You did fucking so.”

“Just what kind of porn do you watch?”

“Don’t try and change the subject.”

I had an all too familiar taste hit my mouth and I licked my lips, tried to swallow it down. “I need some water.”

Suddenly serious, he handed me the bottle. “Why do you do that? You did it the other day too. Like something tastes bad before it rains.”

I sipped the water, swishing it in my mouth even though I knew it wouldn’t help. “Not before it rains. Before the lightning.”

His eyes met mine. “What?”

“I know when lightning is about to strike,” I said. “Because I can taste it.”

“You can taste it,” he whispered, not a question, but this was usually when people thought I was weird. Like he was now. I could see it on his face.

“It’s a metallic taste. Copper, to be exact.” I tried to swallow down the taste on my tongue, as if the mention of it made it worse. “It’s not pleasant. But it’s common,” I said. “In people who’ve been struck by lightning.”

His eyes searched mine and a slow smile spread across his face. Okay, so maybe he didn’t think I was weird. “That is soooo fucking cool!”



Thunder clapped right above us,scaring the shit out of me. “Jesus!” I ducked on instinct.

Jeremiah didn’t even flinch.

He could taste lightning.

Well, notactuallightning. But he could taste when it was close.

That was the coolest thing I’d ever heard.

He really was like no one I’d ever met before.

And he was being all kinds of weird all day. After last night, I probably couldn’t blame him. I did almost kiss him. Hell, lying in bed with him so close, and so freaking sexy, kissing him wasn’t all I wanted to do.

But he didn’t answer when I asked him, and anything short of a direct yes is a no.

So I’d rolled over and gone to sleep, disappointed but not mad about it.

Then today, he woke up with an agenda, clearly.

Maybe it was his way of answering me with a yes?