My stomach hardened. “So, we’re back to the monastery?”

“The tabloids have been obsessed with you ever since your father …” She paused, twisting to pierce me with her stare. “Your behavior is giving the press precisely what they want. I don’t know what to do with you. Is this because I didn’t give you the team? You’re punishing me?”

I blew out a breath. Of course it wasn’t. Did she think I was that petty?

She cast her eyes downward. “You understand why I couldn’t do it? Take on that team and everybody would scrutinize your every move. I am protecting you. Calverdale United was your father’s baby. He didn’t think you were ready.”

My stomach hardened. “Yes. I know.”

She watched me with keenly observant eyes. “But a lot has happened since then. Maybe it’s time …”

My chest lit with warmth. Time for what? Time to hand over the reins? I stumbled over the bed frame as I rushed to her side.

“Yes. I’m ready. I can do this. This is all I’ve wanted for so long.”

“Fine. Fine. Don’t get too excited, darling.” Mother held up a hand to silence me and transferred her gaze to Claire. “That’s why Claire is here. I’m going to give you the opportunity to prove yourself.”

I searched her inscrutably smooth face for a hint of her latest scheme. “Fine? What do you mean, fine? I can have the team?”

She offered me a faint smile. Her eyes were full of half promises. “You can haveateam.”

Chapter 4


Mybroguessankintomud as I trailed over an endless soggy field with my mother and Claire. A fog-shrouded football pitch lay in the distance. Shouts and cheers from the game in progress drifted on the wind. This wasn’t Calverdale United’s training ground. It had to be an away game.

Mother groaned as she flicked a spot of dirt from her cashmere coat. “Why can’t they do these things inside?”

Claire shot her a bemused look but kept her mouth shut. As we drew closer, I noticed the bobbing ponytails. Women. Why had Mother dragged me out of bed to watch women’s football?

A frown pulled at my brow. “What’s going on?”

“This is Claire’s team. Claire is the manager of Calverdale Ladies.”

Right. So what? Why the fuck did I care about this?

Mother shot me a sidelong glance. “You’re their new director.”

I froze a little way from the sidelines. The women’s team? No way. This had to be a fucking joke.

A mischievous glint flashed in Mother’s eyes. “You want a chance to prove you can direct a football team. What better way? You get to throw yourself in without all the pressure, and if you handle it well, then everybody will know that you’re ready for a bigger challenge.”

Ice laced my stomach. No. Mother was the devil incarnate, but she wouldn’t screw me over this badly.

“I’m sure you’re a little surprised, but this could be a fantastic opportunity.”

“But I don’t know anything about women’s football.”

“Careful, Gabe. Your misogyny is showing.” Her mouth twisted wryly. “The funny thing is that it’s exactly the same, except there are fewer penises.”

I managed to reply through stiff lips. “This isn’t about misogyny. It’s about the fact that I should be directing the best team in England and you’re giving me a shit team that nobody has heard of.”

Claire Easterly coughed awkwardly. “If I may, my girls are incredible athletes. They are dedicated and hardworking. These women don’t play for money and ego and fast cars. They play for the love of the game. This is real football. If you give us a chance, you’ll see.”

My brain reeled. Maybe this was a joke. The last I’d heard, the women were terrible. “But you’re not even in the Women’s Super League, are you?”

Claire kept her gaze fixed on the match in progress. “We are a league below, the Championship League. But we want to work. With investment, we have a chance of promotion to the WSL.”