Chapter 41


Anothercallflashedonmy phone from Gabe. I shoved my phone back into my pocket.

Phoebe sipped her wine. “Well, I have to hand it to him. He’s persistent. How many times is that?”

“It’s getting ridiculous.”

Phoebe frowned. “Maybe you should let him get it off his chest. He’s been calling nonstop.”

Alcohol stung my throat as I drained my glass. “I can assure you, there is nothing Gabe Rivers can say that is of any interest to me.”

Angry buzzing made my pocket vibrate again. My heart sank. Why did he keep calling? I’d made it clear I wouldn’t speak to him again. I couldn’t get sucked into this. My heart ached to speak to him but I couldn’t be weak. He’d feed me some bullshit story and I wanted him so much I’d go back to him.

Phoebe raised an eyebrow. “Put the guy out of his misery, for heaven’s sake. It could be important.”

“It’s not important.” I pulled out my phone and switched it off. “There we go. You were saying …”

It was midday by the time I left the training pitches. I headed to Mum’s house for lunch. From the top of the street, I caught sight of the limo parked outside. Irritation made my lips thin. For goodness’ sake. What was he doing here? Did he think harassing my mum was a good look? As I walked down the street a little prickle lifted the hairs on my arms. Something wasn’t right. Wooden boards covered Mum’s front door. My stomach dropped to the floor. I ran up the drive.

“Miri?” The voice stopped me in my tracks.

I spun. Gabe’s driver emerged from the car.

“Gabe asked me to wait here in case you showed up. He’s been trying to call. Get in. I’ll take you to the hospital.”

My blood turned to ice. “The hospital? Why?”

“I’m sorry.” The driver toed the ground with his shiny brogue. “It’s your mum.”

Please. No. Please let this be okay. God, if you’re listening. If anyone is listening. Please let her be okay. I’ll do anything. Please let her be okay.

Heart hammering, I raced through one brightly lit hospital corridor after the next until I burst through the door of Mum’s side room. Mum lay asleep in bed, thin and pale, wearing a blue hospital gown. A plastic tube led from her nose to a feeding bag on a stand next to the bed. Gabe sat in the chair at her side, his face pale and exhausted. I stiffened my spine, trying not to break apart.

“It’s okay. She’s stable. She’s going to be okay.” He stood and moved toward me before stopping.

My breath came in sharp pants. “What … happened? Karl said a heart attack.”

“I found her last night in the living room. I tried to call, but … I couldn’t get hold of you …”

Confusion made my head pound. Last night? It’s what the driver had said, too, but it was so hard to contemplate. Mum had been in the hospital all night and none of us had realized. I’d stayed over at Phoebe’s last night, but where the hell had Reece been? Mum shouldn’t have been alone.

“Last night? What time? You’ve been here all night?”

I took Mum’s limp hand in mine. My eyes filled with tears but I blinked them back. I had to hold it together.

“It’s so hard to see her like this, but she’s going to be okay, Miri.” Gabe’s voice was softer than usual.

Reece burst through the door, red-cheeked and breathless. “What happened?”

“It’s okay. She’s okay. She’s stable,” I said.

Reece moved to Mum’s side, his eyes glassy with tears. He took her limp hand in his. “She was fine yesterday morning. I saw her.” His voice cracked. “She was fine. I’m so sorry.”

“Where were you?”

He raked a hand through his dark hair. “I was at a … friend’s. I fell asleep. I was meant to be home. It wasn’t planned.”