I waited as blue dots flashed as he typed. “There’s something wrong with the radiator in this room. I’m freezing to death.”

“It’s not even that cold.”

“I’m serious. Come and see.”

Reluctantly, I got out of bed and tiptoed, in darkness, past Mum’s and Reece’s bedrooms, down to the little spare room at the end of the hallway. I pushed the door open as quietly as I could and stepped inside. The bedside lamp illuminated Gabe sitting up in bed. His dark, disheveled hair fell in a glorious mess and one of Reece’s faded grey university t-shirts clung to his impressive torso. He looked so un-Gabe-like that I had to smother a laugh. A chill hung in the air. I rested my hand on the stone-cold radiator.

He raised an eyebrow. “See?”

I put a finger to my lip and whispered, “Keep your voice down. I’ll find another blanket.”

His gaze traveled over me and he bit his bottom lip. I wore an old t-shirt that skimmed my upper thighs. I pulled it down, which only served to tug it tighter over my breasts.

He pulled the duvet away and patted the space next to him. “I don’t need another blanket. Get in. Come and keep me warm.”

My heart pounded at the idea of slipping into that bed next to him. There were a million things I wanted to do with Gabe Rivers in a bed, and none of them were sleeping.


He pouted. “Why not?”

It was too late to go through it all again. “Because … reasons.”

I tiptoed back down the hall to my room and opened the wardrobe. I scanned the shelves but there were no blankets. They were probably in Mum’s room, but I didn’t want to wake her up for one. I turned around and bumped into Gabe.

He towered over me, bathed in moonlight. A half smile curved his lips. He whispered, “I thought you might need some help.”

“Help with what?”

His eyes dropped over my body. “To carry the blankets.”

“I can’t find any. You can have my duvet.”

“Don’t you need that?”

“I’ll manage.”

He studied my face, feature by feature, then frowned. “Is it just me or do you feel this?”

His free hand hovered by my cheek and he brushed a line over my jaw with his thumb. My skin tingled under his touch. My breath hitched.

He watched me with fascination. “It’s electricity. Chemistry. Who knows what causes that? It feels like we’re meant to be touching each other. That doesn’t happen often. Not for me anyway.”

He took my arm and traced a blue vein in my wrist with his fingertip. Heat washed over me in a sudden fever.

“You feel that though, don’t you?” He traced his thumb down my throat and lower. “Tell me it’s not just me.”

“I feel it.”

He stepped closer, his words a hot whisper against my earlobe. “Are you going to send me back to that freezing room? You’re not that cruel.”

My heart drummed.

Slowly, his lips descended to meet mine. I should have told him to stop or stepped away, but I couldn’t. A desperate tingling in my belly stole my breath. I pulled him roughly toward me. His hands bunched up the fabric of my t-shirt, smoothing over my stomach, my hips. His lips seared a path over my throat.

Breathless, I pulled away, my voice low. “You can sleep in here with me, but we’re just sleeping. I’m not doing anything with you with my family in the house. After that little stunt you pulled in the living room I’m on guard. And you have to go before anyone gets up. Can you keep your hands to yourself?”

He smirked and held his hand to his head, saluting. “Of course. Scout’s honor.”