Gabe’s hand crept around my waist and under my t-shirt. He smoothed his warm palm over my stomach. Tingling lit my skin.

“It’s a Wonderful Life,” Reece said.

Gabe’s fingers dipped down, teasing the waistband of my leggings. My body tensed. Was he trying to touch me? No. Not here in front of everyone. His fingers slid lower. I was about to whisper at him to stop when his finger moved lower. A jolt of electricity went through me. Heat blossomed over my skin. I sucked in a breath. Oh my God. He held perfectly still. My fingers dug into the chair. I froze, battling the desperate urge to grind against him for more friction. Everybody had their backs to us. The lights were out, all the chairs faced toward the TV, and our armchair was flush in the corner out of sight, but still … my entire family was in the room.

“Nope. That’s even older,” Elliot said.

Frankie folded her arms and relaxed back into the couch. “Die Hard.”

“That’s not a Christmas movie,” Mum said.

“It’s set at Christmas,” Frankie said.

“We have the same argument every year.Die Hardis not a Christmas movie,” Reece said.

“Of course it is,” Elliot said.

Frankie fist-bumped her twin. “Thank you.”

Gabe’s finger moved slowly, circling. The movement so small as to be torturous. I gripped the sides of the chair. Oh God. I had to tell him to stop. He couldn’t do this with my family in the room. We were out of sight, and the blanket was covering us, but still …

It was torturous. I couldn’t take it. My body responded to the slightest of touches from this man. I wouldn’t be able to hold it together if he carried on, but the desperate throb between my thighs wouldn’t let me ask him to stop either.

Elliot snatched the remote from Frankie. “Do we have to have this argument every year? PutElfon and be done with it. It’s the only one we can all agree on.”

Gabe dipped a finger down, spreading my wetness up to rub firmer strokes, still too painfully slow and light. Oh God. His erection pressed into my backside. It took every scrap of willpower not to grind into him for the friction I craved.

Frankie twisted her head to look at us. “Gabe is the guest. Let him decide.”

Gabe’s finger froze. The aching pulse at the loss of pressure was enough to make a strange whimper leave my mouth. I tried to arrange my face into a normal expression.

Gabe cleared his throat. “Whatever you like.”

Frankie shook her head. “No. Come on. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?”

“I don’t have one,” Gabe said.

Elliot shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “There must be one that you like?”

“I’ve never watched any Christmas movies.”

Gabe pressed his finger down, the firm pressure sending a wave of pleasure racing through my core. Oh God. I gritted my teeth. This man was trying to kill me.

“What? How can you have not seen a Christmas movie?” Frankie cried.

“Christmas isn’t a big thing in our house. Dad always worked and Mum goes abroad,” Gabe said.

Mum’s eyebrows rose. “So, what did you do?”

Every member of my family turned to look at us. Panic ran through me. I took a calming breath. They didn’t know what was going on. They couldn’t. The room was dark. A blanket covered us. Nobody knew what was going on underneath. I had to be like a swan—graceful on the surface despite legs kicking frantically out of sight. I was just sitting on his lap. Completely innocent.

Gabe pressed his lips together. “I don’t know. Whatever. It’s just another day, isn’t it?”

If I hadn’t been so torturously turned on, I might have had sympathy for him. My family was weird and annoying, but we always stuck together. I couldn’t imagine thinking of Christmas as just another day or spending it alone. Frankie opened her mouth and closed it as if she was going to say something but thought better of it. I shifted in Gabe’s lap and the slight slip of his finger almost made me cry out. My heart hammered. I needed the attention off us because if he didn’t get me off after this I’d die.

Mum cocked her head. “Miri, what’s your vote?”

Gabe rubbed another smooth circle and I bit down on my lip.