Gabe chuckled darkly and smoothed his tie. “Thank you, but I can’t put you out like that. Christmas is a time for family.”

Mum clucked her tongue. “Nonsense. You are welcome to come for dinner, Gabe. The more the merrier. If you want to, of course …”

Frankie drained her champagne. It had to be her fourth glass at least. “You’re going to love it. We have dinner, then I thrash Reece so hard at Monopoly I make him cry, then we argue over what film to watch.”

Reece laughed. “You wish. You’re the worst Monopoly player in the world. Who buys every square they land on?”

Frankie shrugged. “It’s a great strategy.” She shot Gabe a ponderous look. “In fact, I can’t wait to play Monopoly with a member of the one percent. Maybe Gabe will be willing to donate real money?”

Gabe smiled and held his hands up. “I’m more of a Clue man.”

Frankie smirked. “That figures. Murder in posh gazebos. I love that for you.”

Mum smiled. “Yes. Join the fun, Gabe. You can stay over if you like. Then you can have a drink with us in the evening. The boys can share a room. We can make up the spare.”

I couldn’t help my incredulous laugh. “Mum, don’t be ridiculous. Gabe has a driver. You don’t have to be worried about him drinking. Besides, he has the penthouse at the Beaufort. He doesn’t want to stay in our spare room.”

Gabe coughed and shot me a questioning look, seeking permission. “It does sound fun. Although I wouldn’t want to put you out …”

Gabe turned his mega-watt charming smile on Mum.

I’d never seen my mother blush, but pink tinged her cheeks. “Of course not. Our home is your home. We’d love to have you round.”

Well, that was that. We’d gone from “one night” to Christmas dinner with my family in less than twenty-four hours. I might have been breaking Gabe’s rules, but he’d detonated a nuclear bomb on mine.

Chapter 29


Reeceputtheslicedturkey on the food-laden table. The tempting aroma of the hot roast dinner made my mouth water. Everybody slid into their seats. Silence fell as we looked around at each other.

“Gabe isn’t here yet,” Frankie said.

An odd twinge of disappointment made my heart sink. I hadn’t wanted him to come, but this wasn’t just letting me down. It was letting my family down. Mum had wanted him to come so much.

I sighed. “Let’s eat. It’s getting cold.”

A knock sounded on the door.

I jumped up to answer it. I flung the door open to see Gabe standing in the doorway. Snow clung to his chestnut hair and laced his dark peacoat. He stepped inside the hallway and the cold wrapped around me.

“I’m sorry I’m late. A story in the press. I’ve had to have an emergency meeting with PR. Some nonsense to do with Taylor.”


“Taylor Swift.”

My mouth dropped open. “TheTaylor Swift?”

He waved a dismissive hand. “It’s fine. She saw the funny side.”

“You had a chat with Taylor Swift?”

“She’s a friend. I can introduce you if you like.”

I had to do everything in my power not to squeal. He shrugged out of his pea coat. The most hideous sprout-green Christmas pajamas hung to his slender frame. It was the most ridiculous thing I’d ever seen, but more ridiculous was that he still managed to look sexy. How could any man look sexy covered in tiny reindeers?

A laugh burst out of me. “Why has somebody vomited Christmas on you?”