The scent of rose and eucalyptus wrapped around me. I couldn’t stop my eyes from dropping to her beautiful tits, barely covered with soapy bubbles. To stop myself from staring, I transferred my gaze to her elegant fingers as they twirled circles in the silky water.

She shot me a shy glance. “Were you doing the thing you said? With your tongue?”

“You liked that?’

A rush of pink stained her cheeks. “Yes. You don’t mind being down there? Doing that?”

“Mind? What do you mean?”

She put her tea down on the side and scooted toward me. “My ex…Jed…He didn’t like to do stuff like that.”

“Jed sounds like a prick.”

She laughed. “Yeah.”

“And he’s missing out. I could spend all day doingstuff like that.”

She chuckled. “Be serious.”

I turned her around and pulled her into my arms. The milky soft skin of her back was hot against my face.

“I am being serious.” My lips brushed her earlobe. I kept my voice low. “It’s the truth. I could spend all day between your thighs. You taste divine.”

A shiver ran through her. Pressing my ear between her slippery shoulder blades, I listened to her thrumming heart. Warmth bloomed in my chest. It hadn’t been like this since Emma. In the beginning, anyway, when things were good, before she’d screwed me over.

I didn’t want to fall for this woman. I couldn’t let anyone have that power over me again. I wouldn’t do it. I had to have more resolve. This was just sex. Amazing sex. One night. But what would it hurt to ask her to stay? How could I let her walk out of here after that? It would break my rules to have a woman stay over, but I needed more time.

“Stay with me tonight.”

“I thought we were doing this once.” Her voice was sleepy.

“We agreed one night. We didn’t specify how many times.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I have responsibilities.”

“What responsibilities?”

She stiffened slightly in my arms. “What time is it? I should get going.”

My stomach hardened. I pulled her back into my arms. “It’s still early. You don’t have to rush.”

She lay back against my chest, but her muscles were tense. Her perfect rosy nipples poked through foamy bubbles and I couldn’t stop myself from brushing a thumb around the outline. Her soft hands slid all over my body to lather me with soap. She plunged a jug into the water.

“Close your eyes,” she said.

“I give orders, Forster. I don’t take them.”

She laughed indignantly. “Maybe it’s time you started. Close your eyes. I’ll make it worth your while.”

Well, in that case …

I did as she instructed and she poured the jug over my hair. With gentle fingers, she washed my hair, massaging my head carefully. I couldn’t help the groan that escaped my lips at the perfect pressure on my scalp as she worked the soap in. My nose filled with the scent of roses. Water cascaded down my back as she poured the contents of the jug over my head to wash away the soap. I slipped down low into the water, letting the heat soothe away all my tension.

Her hands slipped under the water. I hissed and gripped the side of the bathtub as her fingertips brushed along my shaft. I pulled her toward me so that she straddled me. I took hold of her hand and guided it up and down, from root to tip, showing her how to please me.