I tried to maintain my composure even though he was looking at me like the Big Bad Wolf about to eat me alive. “When a girl says no, she should only have to say it once. This is sexual harassment.”

His expression grew serious. “Are you accusing me of sexual harassment?”

My chest tightened. That wasn’t entirely fair. I wanted him, but one of us had to be sensible. This couldn’t happen. “You’re making an indecent proposal. What if I say no? Are you going to fire me?”

He ran his tongue over his lips and held his hands up. “Fine. You’re right.”

He got up and walked toward me, planting himself in front of me. He looked incredible in his dark suit and polished brogues. My senses filled with his expensive cologne. I stiffened my spine even though I wanted to melt into a puddle on the floor.

“Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t find me attractive,” he said.

My heart pounded so hard he could probably hear it. I opened my mouth to lie and snapped it shut. “It doesn’t matter. We can fight our urges.”

With his powerful hands, he hauled me to my feet. He traced his thumb along my jaw; heat tingled in its wake. “Why would I fight my urges when I can indulge them?”

“Because we’re not children and actions have consequences.”

He chewed his bottom lip. He took out his phone and showed me the screen as he scrolled to a voice recorder app. I watched him press the red circle for record.

“Do you find me attractive?” He put the phone face up on the desk.

I swallowed. “What are you doing? Are you recording this conversation? Why?”

He came closer, looking down at me intensely. The desk pressed at my back. “Do you know my full name?”


“It’s Gabriel Hamilton Broderick Rivers. Tonight, I’m going to kiss every inch of your body. You’re going to spread your legs for me, and I’m going to sign my name between your thighs with my tongue over and over. I’m going to make you come so hard you see stars.”

A hot swoop of desire pooled in my lower belly. I opened my mouth and closed it again, at a total loss for words. No man had ever spoken to me so brazenly. Jed’s pillow talk had been about who needed to empty the dishwasher.

“You have a filthy mouth,” I said.

“You have no idea.” Gabe’s gaze roved over my face and a slight smirk pulled at his lips. “If you’re going to accuse me of sexual harassment, then let’s make sure there’s no doubt in your mind about what I want from you. I want to fuck you. I want to make you beg me not to stop. I want my name to be on your lips when you come.”

His gaze froze on my lips. “Give me one night. If you don’t want me to fuck you, then this conversation is harassment. You can have this recording because you should definitely report me. You can say no if you want, and I won’t ever bother you about it again. If you do want me, then this conversation isn’t harassment.” He returned to his chair, his eyes locked with mine, and his elegant fingers made a steeple over his lips. “It’s foreplay.”

I swallowed. I had no idea how to reply to something so direct.

“If you want me to stop pursuing you, then tell me now and this ends. You have my word. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but I have the sense that you feel this thing between us, too. Give me one night to worship you. You won’t regret it.”

My whole body bloomed with feverish heat. Gabe Rivers was the devil in an Armani suit, and I’d never been more ready to go to hell. “What time?”

Chapter 22


I’dwalkedpasttheBeaufort Hotel hundreds of times but never once set foot inside. Its soaring red-brick facade was iconic. The most expensive hotel in the city. The immaculately presented doorman’s eyes flashed over me, but he didn’t bat an eyelid as Gabe’s driver escorted me through the back door. My neck heated. I knew what this looked like. Gabe probably brought a different woman here every night.

My boots clicked on the polished marble floor. An awkward silence fell between me and Gabe’s driver in the lift, and I did my best not to fiddle with the buttons on my coat. I’d had no idea what to wear, but standing in the opulent lift, I realized it had been a mistake to dress so casually. The driver punched a code in the pin pad on the wall. The ascent filled me with trepidation. We went up and up. Maybe we’d keep going until we burst out of the ceiling.

“How much higher?”

“Right to the top.”

Gabe’s words from my living room echoed in my mind.Wouldn’t you like to be on top, Forster?Heat stole into my face.

Apingrang out as the doors opened, revealing a long corridor with thick cream carpets. A sweet floral scent like sun-warmed roses hit my nose. I followed the driver to the door at the end before he smiled politely and left me there. Nerves filled me and I had the strangest urge to run back to the lift, because I didn’t want to be alone with Gabe Rivers. Things beyond my control happened when the two of us were alone.