“But you’re new to the club, so …”

Miri smothered a smile. “You’d better do it, Gabe. You want to make a good impression for me or not? I’m not joining your team unless I know you’re on board with the team’s needs.”

Fucking hell. Karaoke? No man had ever worked so tirelessly to get a woman to sign a piece of paper.

I shook my head. “I’ll get you back for this, Forster.”

Chapter 18


Guestscrammedeveryinchof the enormous mansion. Most of the girls I recognized from the team. We’d played and been beaten by Calverdale over and over. I’d forced myself to smile and shake the hands of most of these girls after bitter defeats. I followed the girls who pushed Gabe through the mansion. They shoved him to the front of the opulent sitting room. An enormous sound system and flat screen dominated the wall.

Gabe held his hands up to protest, but the Calverdale goalkeeper forced a microphone into his palm. An awkward silence wrapped around us. Would he walk off? The music kicked in and the lyrics began to roll on the screen. Gabe swallowed, lifted his chin, and boldly looked me in the eye. He smirked and plunged carelessly into a rendition of “We Don’t Talk About Bruno.” The team roared with laughter. I couldn’t help but laugh along. He’d taken it with good humor at least.

Gabe Rivers was an enigma. The press made out that he was a ruthless bastard that had pushed his own father down the stairs. He had his faults, but he wasn’t deserving of his reputation. With the team he was relaxed and fun, and in the strip club he’d been charm personified. Not to mention talented with his fingers. The rumors of his arrogance might have been exaggerated, but I was certain he was still a womanizer. If I let my guard down even a fraction, he’d get everything he wanted from me, and when he was done he’d walk away. That’s what men did. They hurt you.

“He’s a good sport.” Claire Easterly passed me a glass of champagne and smiled.

I couldn’t help my laugh. “Oh God. Please make it stop.”

Claire laughed. She flashed me a glance. “You’re still thinking of joining us?”

“I’m thinking.”

She watched Gabe and smiled. “I thought it was a gimmick when Joyce Rivers told me about her plan, but Gabe has surprised me. He’s sincere. He’s taken the role seriously. Micky didn’t care about the women’s team. He wanted to tick the boxes. But Gabe is different. He’s moved us into the men’s facilities. He comes to every training session. After every match, he’s with us in the locker room, studying the replay. I don’t doubt his commitment to this. With his enthusiasm and investment, we could go all the way.”

“It’s a big move for me.”

She sipped her drink thoughtfully. “It is, and you shouldn’t be rushed, but if you’re in any doubt as to whether this man is genuine, then let me assure you he is.”

A group of women charged the stage and threw their arms around Gabe, cheering him on and singing with him. His handsome face lit with a smile. Clearly, the girls had taken him on board as one of them.

I looked up to find Claire watching me. “I heard Jerry’s been given the boot. That son of a bitch won’t be back.”

“Did you know what he was up to?”

Claire blew out a breath. “There were rumors. He was Micky’s best friend. Untouchable.”

“So you turned a blind eye?”

“I complained. Of course I did. Nobody listened. I should have done more, but I didn’t want to lose my job, Miri. This is a man’s world. We know that better than anyone. Micky would always protect his own.”

My shoulders tightened. Claire wasn’t off the hook in my book, but she wasn’t responsible for Jerry. His behavior lay with him and the boss that had shielded him.

She shook her head and pressed her lips flat. “Gabe will have removed every obstacle he can, so what does that leave?”

Me. It leaves me. What if I’m not good enough?

Claire’s shrewd gaze roved over me before she shifted her attention back to Gabe and his terrible singing. “I was there the moment he saw you play for the first time. You mesmerized him. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. I wish I could bottle up whatever you have and give it to every woman on this team. Even the best of us doubt ourselves sometimes, but you don’t need to. Gabe sees what everybody else sees. You’re a star. Join this team and we’ll make sure you get everything you need. I want to see you get called up for England.”

I slid her a sidelong glance. I’d never particularly liked this woman. She hadn’t done enough about Jerry Reynolds. But life wasn’t black and white, and she was a woman in a man’s world too. I knew what that was like. “Thank you, Claire.”

She inclined her head in a nod. “Don’t mention it.”

The song ended, and a woman threw her arms around Gabe. The team joined in, ignoring his protests and lifting him up on their shoulders.

“Come on.” Claire put an arm around my shoulders. “They won’t let him go for a while. Let me introduce you to the girls. They’re going to love you.”