“If you like Gabe Rivers so much, I can introduce you.”

She laughed and wrinkled her nose. “Nope. He’s far too pretty for me. You know I like them rough and ready.”

“He’s a womanizer.”

“So? If you know that up front, what’s the problem? Don’t get too invested. Have a bit of fun and get out with your heart intact.”

“If I join his team, he’s going to be my boss.”

“Exactly. That’s hot.”

“It’s not hot. It’s messy.”

She blew out a breath. “He will be your boss’s boss’s boss. You’ll hardly see him. Don’t overthink everything all the time.”

I laughed. “I can’t believe you’re encouraging me in this.”

She grabbed me by the shoulders and swiveled me to face her. Her face was lit with amusement. “Can’t you?”

I laughed. Actually, I could totally believe it. Of course Frankie would be encouraging me in this.

She tried to drag the cardigan off me again. “You’re under orders to have fun.”

I pushed her away and wrapped my arms around my middle. “This is a professional meeting that happens to be at a party.”

“Fine. Enjoy your professional party and your cardigan.” She twisted me and shoved me out the door. “Good luck. Somebody might have got laid in a cardigan at least once in history.”

Chapter 17


Isippedmywaterand turned my back on the rows of bright bottles at the bar. I needed to keep a clear mind tonight, and that meant no booze. This was a full-out charm offensive to get Miri Forster to sign on the dotted line. It had been dragging on for too long. Tonight was about temptation. I had to show her what she could be part of. I’d spent time with the women’s team and they were a great bunch. Miri would fit right in.

Music and chatter filled my ears. I greeted a group of players and squeezed through to the kitchen. Some old Motown tune drifted from the speakers, wrapping around my heart. A sudden grief stabbed my chest. Dad had loved the house when it was full like this. Parties had brought him to life. Mother should have sold this place, but it had been in her family for so long she couldn’t part with it.

Dad hadn’t been around much growing up, and he’d betrayed me and Mother more times than I could count. He’d cheated on me with my own girlfriend. But still my chest hurt. Some stupid part of me ached for him. Whatever he’d done, he was still my dad. Heat pressed behind my eyes. Jesus. I needed to get myself together. This was what nobody told you about grief. Everything would be fine, then some stupid song would come on the radio and destroy you.

I needed some air. Weaving through crowds of guests, I left the party and found a spot on the smooth stone steps that lead from the kitchen. Music pulsed faintly behind me, but it was quiet out here. I lit a cigarette and took in the dark expanse of grounds. A tiny light in the bushes caught my eye. Bloody paparazzi. How low could these bastards go to get a shot? Anger made my jaw clench. Fuck that. We’d had already had a press conference after the match today. They’d had the opportunity to ask all their stupid questions.

“I can see you. You may as well come out,” I cried.

The hedge parted and a blonde girl tottered out. Long pale golden waves cascaded down her back. She wore a plum-colored cardigan and, underneath, a revealing black dress clung to her exquisite physique. It took me a moment before it hit me. Miri Forster. My pulse beat harder. It shouldn’t have been possible for this woman to be more beautiful, but here she stood, radiating like a divine being. I’d suspected she had a banging body under that football kit, but Miri Forster scrubbed up better than even my dirty mind could imagine.

Nope. Professional. This all had to be professional.

I kept my voice casual despite the effect she had on my pulse. “I didn’t realize we’d hired a new gardener. You know you don’t have to get inside the hedge to trim it.”

“Funny.” She smoothed her hands down her sides and strode toward me.

I blew out a chain of smoke. The amber tip flared and dimmed in the darkness. “What are you doing in the hedge?”

“This place is so big. I was trying to avoid all the cameras at the front door and then I got … lost.” Her eyes met mine. “This is embarrassing.”

“It could be worse.”

“Could it?”

I shrugged. “You could have been pissing in there.”