“I’m not leaving you.”

Another knock sounded.

He shoved me lightly. “Go, Miri. I’ll handle this. It could be those guys again.”

“And if it is, then they deal with me. Not you.”

I dashed down the hall to the front door, but still Reece got there first. He held me at arm’s length and peeped through the tiny glass spyhole. He frowned. Confusion swam on his face. Then he moved to peer through the hole again.

“What is it?” His bewildered silence set my nerves jangling. I pulled out my phone. “I’m calling the police.”

He waved a hand to still me. “No. It’s …” His frown deepened. “I think it’s … Is that who I think it is?”

I nudged him out of the way and pressed my eye to the spyhole. Gabe Rivers stood on the doorstep. A nervous swoop made my stomach lurch. What was Gabe doing here? Was this about last night? Had he tracked me down?

Oh God. Why come here? Was he angry? I pulled at the oversized lilac striped t-shirt and pajama shorts I wore. My hair was unwashed and tangled. I looked a mess. What did it matter? How did he even know where I lived? There was no way I could answer the door. Hopefully he’d think I wasn’t in, get fed up, and leave.

He hammered his fist against the door again. Nope.

Reece moved to open the door and I grabbed his arm.

“What the hell are you doing?” I hissed.

Reece shot me a bewildered look. “Opening the door?”

“Well. Don’t. Obviously.”

“How is that obvious?”

“I know you’re in there. I can hear you. Open up.” Gabe’s muffled voice traveled through the wood.

Reece swung the door open. Oh God. Gabe stood tall and imposing in another well-fitted suit. The blue light of his phone illuminated that impossibly handsome face. A shaft of sunlight struck his hair, making it gleam like polished chestnuts. How in the hell did anyone look this good after such a late night?

Gabe lowered his sunglasses and his gaze transferred from Reece to me. “Ah, there you are. Can I come in?”

I pushed my brother down the narrow hallway and shoved him into the kitchen. Why had Gabe tracked me down? Was he trying to out me to my family? Maybe he was going to use this as a bargaining chip to blackmail me into joining his team. Was he capable of that? If the tabloids were to be believed, he was capable of much worse.

“You don’t have to worry. I’m alone. I ditched the cameras.” He peered down the hallway past me. “I like your house. It’s very … cozy.”

“What do you want?” My voice came out more impatient than I’d intended, but if he’d come here to embarrass me then I had no time for it. How had he guessed? Deano must have let something slip when I’d handed over the cash.

Gabe raked a hand through his perfectly tousled hair. “I’ve come for an apology.”

“What for?”

“You called me a prick.”

“I did?”

Humor lit his jade eyes. “Sunday morning?”

“Oh, right.Right.It was an accident. Sorry. I’m not used to the cameras.”

He flashed an easy smile. “It doesn’t matter. I’ve been called worse, and most of the time I am a prick. Can I come in?”

He peered down the hallway again. Any normal person would have taken his coat and offered him a drink by now, but I needed him out of here. My neck heated at the memory of last night. His curious gaze roved over my pajamas.

“Now isn’t a great time. What can I help you with?”