Gabe frowned and shouted over the music. “Are you okay?”

My heart thrashed in my chest. I drew a shaky breath and nodded. My legs wouldn’t move. I couldn’t just stand here like a muppet.

He rubbed his eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

I nodded, even though my stomach churned as though I might throw up. Oh God. Was I going to throw up? Tears pressed at my eyes. I couldn’t do this. My breath came so hot and sharp it burned my lungs. I’d have to dance because standing here in silence was even more awkward. What choice did I have? It didn’t matter what it took. Family first.

I hooked a finger under the strap of my dress. My fingers shook so violently, I could barely lower it down my arm.

“Wait. No. Stop.” Gabe frowned and held his hands up. “Keep your dress on.” He put his beer on the table next to him. “Do you want to sit down?”

No. I had to dance. Still, my legs wouldn’t obey.

“It’s fine. Please. Sit.” He patted the couch next to him.

Sitting would be better than standing. My legs were about to collapse anyway, but nerves held me frozen. Gabe watched me with a frown, then rose fluidly from the chair.

“Here.” With a large hand around my waist, he guided me to sit on the couch. His voice was a tender murmur. “It’s okay. Sit down.”

He dropped down next to me and shot me a sidelong glance. I smoothed my dress over my thighs with clammy palms. It only served to expose more of my cleavage. God. I had to get up. I had to dance or he’d tell Deano.

“I like your mask.” He offered me a weak smile. “Sometimes I wish I had one of those. It must be nice to be anonymous.”

I nodded. The music pulsed loud, engulfing us.

Panic rioted in my chest. This was a disaster. I had to stand. I had to dance. This wasn’t me. I’d taken penalty kicks in the eighty-ninth minute.

“It’s my first night. Please give me another chance.”

“It’s fine. I only came for a quiet drink.”

I made to stand. “I want to dance for you.”

He waved a dismissive hand. “Sit.”

I bit my lip; my gaze darted to the curtain. Was Deano behind there listening?

I rested a trembling hand on Gabe’s thigh, willing myself to calm. “Let me do this for you. I have to.”

His gazed dropped to my hand on his thigh, and he frowned. “You have to?”

I swallowed and snapped my hand away. “No. I mean … I want to.”

For a moment, he studied me with a curious intensity. “You’ll get in trouble if you don’t dance?”

I couldn’t answer that. Not if there was a chance Deano was listening. “No. Let’s try this again. I let my nerves get the better of me.”

His expression stilled and grew serious. His voice was gentle and full of understanding. “I don’t want a dance. I want to chat. You’re still going to earn your money. You don’t have to worry.”

A sudden relief made my shoulders loosen. He raked a hand through his hair and sank lower into the red velvet cushions. “Do you know who I am?”

Of course. Everyone in England knew. But he wanted the anonymity. I could grant him his own mask.

“No,” I lied.

A smile quirked his lips. “Really?”
