“Have you decided what’s going to happen to Dutch?” I asked.
It’d been a few months since I’d run over Dutch’s knees. He’d come in to see King when I’d told him to, and to no one’s surprise, he was in a wheelchair, but also a hospital gown because someone had found him and called an ambulance. He’d snuck his way out to get to the clubhouse in time.
King hadn’t told me what he’d planned on doing with Dutch, but from what I’d heard, he’d given Dutch to a part-time King for “care.” I didn’t know what that meant, but King had told me he would keep me updated with his plans for Dutch.
King took another sip of his drink and hummed. “Let’s just say Bull will take good care of him.” He chuckled.
I hadn’t met Bull because he was a busy brother who didn’t only ride bikes, but bulls, too. He cruised around the US on tour. I didn’t know how he was supposedly taking care of Dutch or what that involved, so I kept my mouth shut.
King waved his hand behind me. “Here they are.”
I turned and frowned when two new guys walked into the barroom. Maybe they were a year or two older than me. They were polar opposites, with one wearing completely black, the same as most of the Kings, while the other had abright pinkjacket that matched the color of his hair. The one wearing black had wavy brown hair, and while it seemed as if he was the goth to Pinky’s Barbie, they had identical face structures. They were... twins.
Pinky was sucking on a white-and-pink lollipop, and when he saw me looking, he winked and grinned with a glossed mouth, tongue darting out to poke his candy on a stick as though it was a cock.
Jonas’s eyebrows dipped and he walked across the barroom, latching on to me tightly like he thought Pinky was going to steal me. Well, he didn’t have anything to worry about because Pinky wasn’t my type. Not only was he too bright, but he was sinewy, and I preferred Jonas’s muscular body.
King got to his feet and wobbled, and Dallas grabbed his arm, mouth curling down sadly. “Sheep, meet the two new prospects who’ll be working closely alongside you. Candy and Toffee.”
I snorted in amusement, and they both looked at me. “Let me guess. Pinky there is Candy.”
Pinky—or Candy, apparently—stuck his tongue out at me. “Aren’t you clever? Let me guess, with that big brain you won a Nobel prize.”
His brother rolled his eyes and nudged him. “Remember what I told you. Don’t be a smart-ass, Emry.”
Candy rolled his eyes.
“And let me guess, you have a pink bike, too?” I snapped back.
He laughed and his pale cheeks flushed nearly the same color as his damned hair. “I do, actually. Custom painted, pink-and-black. A Triumph Speed Triple 1200 RS. My brother here has a Rocket 3. What do you have?”
I smirked. This was clearly a game of measuring our cocks, but with our bikes. Luckily I’d done a lot of work for King and Undertaker’s funeral home, so last week I’d managed to buy a new Harley Davidson, while keeping the old one we had, too. I still wanted to repair her and make her beautiful again, which was part of my future goals.
“A yellow-and-black Harley Street Bob with a sidecar for my man.” I curled my arm around Jonas, kissing his cheek.
King slammed his glass on the bar, breaking the tense moment between us. “Enough.” He reached into his leather jacket and pulled out three wads of cash, each one held together by a rubber band, and threw one at me. “Here. Take that and go finish up that apartment of yours. You earned it.”
I held up the cash to him in a salute. “Thanks, King.”
Giving the new guys an eyebrow waggle, I tugged Jonas past them and toward the exit. He had to rush back to grab his jacket and gloves from where he’d tossed them on a couch, and on his way past the guys, Jonas turned to wave goodbye to Destiny and the other Kings, and Destiny blew him a kiss.
The sun blinded us for a few seconds when we stepped outside, and as soon as I could see again, I led Jonas to the Harley and held out my hand to help him into the sidecar. He grinned, shaking his head. Thankfully, today had been a perfectly clear one with no snow or ice, and we’d been able to ride the bike despite the cold.
“Such a gentleman.”
I winked. “Shh, don’t tell anyone else.”
He laughed and slid his palm into mine, stepping into the car and sliding down into the seat. I grabbed his half helmet and put it on his head. I buckled the strap up securely before I gave him a kiss and went around the other side of the bike.
Jonas made a small happy sound as I pulled on my leather gloves, and smirking, I started the Harley with a simple push of a button—so different from the older one Scar had given me. He gave me side-eye until I put on my helmet. I was glad the weather held steady as I began to drive. Jonas and I had saved enough money to rent an apartment close to the clubhouse and it had become ours last week. We’d bought some basic furniture, and we’d gone paint shopping yesterday. We’d planned to spend this weekend painting the walls the light blue Jonas had insisted on, but King had called me to do another job.
We’d specifically chosen this location because not only was it close to the clubhouse, but because Jonas didn’t need to change schools again. The last thing I wanted was to make his life harder. If we decided to move somewhere else after he finished his senior year in high school, then we could.
The apartment wasn’t in the best area, but it was a lot better than the trailer park. This home wasours, and we wanted to create it together. Outside, it looked like a white boxy building, three stories high. The fire escapes were silver and rusted, and the small rectangular lawn outside was basically dead, but it was identical to the buildings around it.
Our parking lot was through a small driveway beside the apartment complex and around the back, and I pulled into our reserved spot and turned off the bike. Jonas grinned at me and heaved himself out of the sidecar. He unbuckled his helmet and took it off before tucking it under his armpit as I came around to his side and did the same with my helmet. I wrapped an arm around him, and together we walked through the back door and up one flight of stairs to get to our apartment. His eyes sparkled as he yanked out a set of keys from his jeans pocket and unlocked the door.
The entire scene felt very homey, exactly the way I’d imagined myself living all those years ago when I was a kid watching those family TV shows. Except I’d never quite expected a sexy guy like Jonas tucked under my arm, though I wasn’t complaining.