Ah, so he was Barber’s partner. That made sense.
On the trip to Mexico, Barber hadn’t stopped whining about how much he missed his boyfriend. I’d never met anyone like him—he never shut up. He babbled aboutQuain’s cute sleep talkingand howQuain could kill you in a second, and you wouldn’t even know you were bleeding out. Seeing Quain now, I wasn’t sure I believed Barber. The guy was... dainty. Slim and sinewy, with thin wrists and a narrow face. He didn’t look like the type to kill easily.
Scar glanced at me, and I raised my hand in a wave.
He grinned. “King’s in his office. Go see him.”
I pulled Jonas tighter against me. Since we’d started dating, we hadn’t spent enough time with each other. I hated that I had to do a job, but I also knew that to make this new life work, that meant getting cash. The Kings were my new family, and I’d heard about their brotherhood and what it meant to be one of them. I was going to make the most of this opportunity.
“Can Jonas stay here?” I asked loudly over the shouts from the other bikers.
Scar gave me a thumbs-up, then waved Jonas into the room.
I turned to Jonas and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. “I know a lot has happened over the last two weeks. Fuck, even I’m still reeling, but I need to make this work with the Kings so we can get our new life, okay? I promise I’ll protect you no matter what.”
He gave me a small smile and cupped my cheek. “I know. I don’t regret meeting you, Ethan. I’m glad I found you because I love you.”
Thereitwas again. An uncomfortable feeling squirmed inside me because I knew I loved him back, but it was awkward to think about saying it. I grinned and knocked my forehead against his. “How about after I do this job, I take you out tonight on the bike. We can do fun stuff.”
His eyes lit up. “I like that idea. We could go to the movies and go for a walk.”
I gave him a long, hard kiss that earned me wolf whistles from the bikers, and I flipped them the finger without breaking contact with Jonas, which made them laugh. Tonight, I would tell him I love him. He deserved that, at least, no matter how awkward it made me feel.
“Maybe if we move into New Gothenburg I could go to a school in this district. Finish my senior year, so I can go to college,” he murmured against my mouth.
“I like that idea.” I smoothed my thumb under his eye. “Whatever you choose to do, I’ll support you however I can.”
He smiled again, but this time it was more real. “Thank you.”
I gently pushed him toward the bar, and he waved at me as I left to head down the hall to King’s office. When I reached the door, I knocked, and a few moments later, I heard an order to enter. I went through the door and closed it behind myself, offering King a nod. He might call this an office, but to me it was part palace. He had a sitting area with a red leather couch and other chairs, a private bar to the left in the corner, and set into the far wall was a fancy fireplace.
He sat behind his wooden desk, a pair of reading glasses hanging on the end of his nose. Undertaker stood beside him, and they were staring down at some paperwork I assumed was financial stuff because I’d learned Undertaker was the treasurer.
King waved me farther into the room, and I moved to a seat in front of him. There was a cigar smoldering in an ashtray on the corner of the desk and the rich scent of cherry tobacco hung lightly in the air.
Undertaker gave me a long look, eyes brilliant and scary as fuck, especially with the shadow he’d created with makeup around his lashes. “You’ll be working for me starting next week. You can do whatever jobs you want around the hours I give you, but I need someone in the funeral home. Think you can handle it, Ethan?”
I straightened at the use of my real name. “Yeah, I got the balls for it. Dead bodies don’t worry me.”
“I know.” His black lipstick-covered mouth curled in one corner. “It won’t only be old people, who died from successfully finishing life as valuable citizens, going into the fire.”
I shrugged.
Undertaker laughed and it made me jump. “I have three rules. If you violate them, you’re done. I won’t talk to you. We won’t discuss it. First, no hurling. Second, stay away from Lee. He’s mine. I’ll kill you if you go near him without my express permission. If you try to fuck him, ever, I’ll rip your heart out and feed it to you. If you upset him because you think it’s funny to screw with people, I’ll do worse.” He said all that without a hint of sarcasm. “There are other reasons I will kill you, but those are the main ones.”
I shook my head immediately. “No interest. I’ve got Jonas, and he’s mine, too.”
Undertaker nodded. “Third, I’m in charge. If you fail to follow my orders, you’re gone and not just from the job. I will not tolerate threats of any kind. We will be doing illegal shit that could put us in prison forever. I have zero interest in that.”
“Yes, sir.” I kept my arms on the chair, so I didn’t look hostile by crossing them over my chest, which was what I usually did when I was confronted with another dominant man.
Undertaker made a pleased sound and took the papers off the desk, gathering them in his arms. “King.” He left without another word, and I stayed silent, not quite sure if I was allowed to talk.
King shook his head and took off his glasses, massaging his temples. “All right, kid. Now’s the time to prove your worth. I’m sending Hound to give a drug dealer a message. A physical message. I want you to go with him and help him. Usually Pike goes, but he’s busy doing something else for me today. Think you can do that?”
“Yes, Pres. No problem.”
He grinned. “You’re eager to please.”