Page 58 of Fool's Gold

“The Killough Company? Isn’t that a shipping and logistics business? I’m surprised they cared.” Jonas leaned against me, and I curled my arms around him tightly. He hadn’t left my side since we got to the campground in Texas. Wherever I went, he came along, whether it was to the bathroom or for a walk to stretch my legs when we stopped for a rest on the trip back. While the rest of the victims—because that’s what they were—took vans that the clubs provided, Jonas had insisted on riding with me in the sidecar onourbike. While I’d had plans to get rid of the sidecar, I was beginning to think Jonas liked it too much, so I was going to keep it instead.

Scar laughed so loudly that he startled a woman who’d been at the camp. Apparently they’d had a small section for them. Jonas hadn’t encountered anyone but guys until after we’d come in to bust up the place. She wrapped her arms around herself tighter, and a Harlot came up to her, whispering something and glaring at Scar.

“Yeah,sure. That’s what the Killough Company is.” He shrugged.

Jonas frowned and so did I.

“But that’s what they are, right?” Jonas glanced at me, and I shook my head because I didn’t know what Scar was talking about.

Charley elbowed Scar hard enough that he winced and glared. “Ignore this jerk. You’re right, the Killough Company does do shipping and logistics.”

I had a feeling there was more to the story, and if this Killough Company was friends with the Kings, it probably included illegal crap.

“As long as they’re safe.” Jonas turned back to stare at his friends, who were clearly very scared. “They need to be taken care of. If their families find out where they are—”

“They won’t,” Scar grumbled, a fierce protectiveness in his voice. “And if someone does find them and start shit, we’ll deal with the fuckers.”

To my surprise, Jonas went straight to Scar and hugged him. Scar stared at me over his shoulder for a long moment before he wrapped his arms around Jonas and returned the gesture.

When Jonas finally moved away again, he smiled. “Thank you for helping us.”

Scar cleared his throat nervously, and while I didn’t know him well, I had a feeling he wasn’t caught by surprise very often. “Yeah, sure.”

Charley chuckled and nudged Scar with his shoulder. “Come on, big guy.” He slipped his hand into Scar’s, and together they walked toward the building.

“Do you want to go back to my place?” I wrapped my arms around Jonas again. I couldn’t stop touching him. A sense of fear crept its way inside me every time I didn’t have him against me, as though I would lose him to that camp again if I didn’t hold on a little tighter.

I’d been so sure I wouldn’t find him with the others, and the terror had consumed me on the trip there until I was on the verge of passing out. King had kept looking at me like he knew something was wrong, but he hadn’t said a word, and I was thankful because I would’ve probably snapped at him and told him to fuck off if he had.

I’d never done emotions well. Not since I was a kid, and I was taught to hide everything I was feeling. Between my parents, the trailer park, and Leo trying to protect me, I’d learned it was better to be hard and emotionless, nothing more than a living, breathing stone. Now, I didn’t know how to show Jonas what he meant to me. He’d told me he loved me, and I wanted to say it back so bad, but I couldn’t. I’d shut down exactly like Leo had taught me to when someone expressed romantic feelings.

“It’s safer not to fall in love, Ethan. You being gay doesn’t work in this park, and loving a man? It can’t happen if you want to be safe,” he’d told me when I was twelve, and I’d believed him.

Jonas sighed, pressing his cheek against my shoulder. “Yeah, take me to your place.”

I kissed his forehead and began to lead him back to the bike when King stopped us. He pointed at me. “You did good, kid. Meet me at the clubhouse on Monday at ten. You’ll be joining Pike and Hound for a few weeks on their runs.”

“Will it be paid?” I raised my chin. “I’m all for working hard, sir, but I need to know if there’s cash involved, because if there’s not, I need to sell drugs around this gig. There’s two of us I need to take care of now.” I smiled down at Jonas.

King grunted out a small chuckle. “Call me either King or Pres. I’m not a sir.” He stroked his chin. “And yep, it’s paid work. If you do your part, you’ll get cash in hand. It’ll be prospect rates, but it’s okay money. It’ll get you out of that trailer park quickly.”

I swallowed. “Thanks.”

“Undertaker’s been talkin’ about needing someone who isn’t squeamish at the funeral home. He’s not the kind of guy who takes on apprentices, but he liked you.” The corner of his mouth twitched as if there was a private joke somewhere in those words. “So, you might not be working with Pike and Hound for long.”

I tilted my head, even though I wasn’t sure if I liked the idea of working with Undertaker. He seemed unstable, but I wasn’t entirely sane, either. I’d killed Jonas’s dad, then Gerard, and I didn’t feel an ounce of remorse. Both were brutal deaths they’d earned.

I led Jonas toward the bike, and even though it was only afternoon, he was fading. His shoulders slumped and he kept yawning so widely his jaw cracked. Once I had him settled in the sidecar with the half helmet on, I got onto the bike and kicked her to a start. I probably should’ve put on my helmet, but it was on the floor of the sidecar beside Jonas, and I didn’t bother. The drive to the trailer park was tedious, and by the time we got there, I wasn’t surprised to see Jonas sleeping, his head tilted to one side and his body lying deeper in the sidecar.

I stared at him from where I sat on the bike, taking in his angelic features and long, dark eyelashes. Even though he was muscular from years of playing soccer, he was also soft, too, with smooth skin and plump lips, the same ones I wanted on my cock.

“Shep!” Tav’s Scottish brogue ripped me out of my fantasies.

I raised my chin to see Tav stalking toward me from his trailer. With his eyebrows dipped, he looked more serious than I’d ever seen him. I slipped off the bike and met him around the other side, holding my finger to my lips to shush him before nodding at Jonas.

“He’s sleeping,” I whispered. “He’s been through hell and back and needs every wink he can get.”

Tav sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “You went to get Jonas.”