“Don’t even ask. From here on out, if you want to do something with me, do it, and I’ll let you know if I don’t want it,” I said.
He swallowed and his Adam’s apple bobbed. “I don’t want to scare you off.”
I leaned up and kissed him hard enough that it was almost painful. “I never want to miss out on anything with you. If I’m a little scared, oh well. I would rather be scared and get everything you have to give.”
Ethan nodded and went up on his knees. He licked his lips and stared down at my body, and I had to chuckle as he glanced at my face and shrugged. “You’re probably the hottest guy I’ve ever been with. You’re a ten.”
“Are you keeping track to brag?” I asked, grinning at him.
“Well, yeah.” His smile was wide and real, and I wanted to keep it on his face.
“Ethan, I.... Will you... . Will you make love to me?”
He squirted lube onto his fingers and nodded. “Tell me, okay? If it’s too much?”
My cock jerked toward my abs when he slid his fingers down behind my balls, and I curled up and grabbed my thighs, giving him room to work. “The only thing that’s too much is the wait,” I said with a grin.
He kissed me, and I moaned as he tapped three fingers against my hole. I tensed, but he deepened the kiss, distracting me, and I whimpered as he used one finger to slip into my ass. The stretch wasn’t awful, but he quickly added a second finger, then the third, and I shivered at the slight burn as he opened up my hole. I dropped my head back against the bed.
“Fuck, I need to get the condom,” he muttered.
I shook my head. “I want you.”
I leaned up and sucked on his bottom lip.
He fucked his fingers deep into my ass, which I really hadn’t been prepared for, but everything he was doing was like a miracle in my body that made my cock harder. He tugged his fingers out of my hole, causing a slight twinge. I wasn’t sure why he was stopping, but then he slapped the lube into my palm and sat up a little.
“Take care of me.” Ethan’s words were almost a growl.
This couldn’t be real.
I was about to have sex with Ethan, this amazing guy who somehow wanted to be with me despite all the trouble I’d caused for him. I squeezed lube onto my hand, then quickly realized it was too much. I coated his cock, and his face screwed up as he thrust into my fist. He let out a long breath and shoved me flat against the bed.
“I want to fuck so bad. Just tell me when I can go because I’m ready now,” he said, words trembling. At first, I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but he lifted my legs onto his shoulders, smearing lube on my skin. With a wink, he leaned in and pressed his cock against my hole.
Excitement streaked through me, but he didn’t slip inside, just tapped against my hole.
He let out a chuckle. “You’ll have to relax.”
Biting the tip of my tongue, I nodded.
Ethan pushed again, and once more—nothing. He snickered and groaned, leaning his head forward. “I’m not tiny. You have to let me in.”
“How?” I asked, frowning.
“Uh—” His eyebrows dove. “—I’ve heard you should push out.”
“You’ve never done it?”
He shook his head, and even though it wasn’t very useful, I was happy that we both had some things we hadn’t done yet. Closing my eyes, I nodded, and he tried again. This time, I focused on the directions he’d given me, and I gasped as he slid inside me a little bit. The stretch of his cock in my ass blew my mind and had me scrabbling at the blankets. Then he kept going. I cried out as he nudged something in my ass that distracted me from the slight burn of him filling me.
“Oh! What?”
He stayed still.
I forced my eyes open to stare into his face, which was a mask of intense concentration.