Myles and I took off running, and everyone else scattered, some people heading for the desert, others going back to the building. Fuck that, I was getting away. Footsteps racing behind me sounded too heavy, and I just knew who it had to be—Gerard. I put as much speed as I could into bolting away because I was smaller and I knew I was faster. I huffed and puffed and quickly began to lose steam. Apparently a week digging a ditch in the desert sun had worn me down.
He barreled into my back, flattening me onto the ground. The wind was knocked out of me, and I struggled as he grabbed my arms and somehow got them anchored behind me. It hurt. He hauled me to my feet while I shouted in pain, then marched me toward the building. There was yelling and screaming as other people were chased by guards.
So far, they’d only sent me back to my room for not partaking in scheduled “activities,” but this time I was taken to a row of doors lined up along the exterior wall. I would’ve said the outcroppings were sheds, but they were connected to the cement blocks of the main structure. I was dumped inside a little steel room with actual fucking bars across the window, which didn’t have any glass. I growled when I saw a hornet’s nest in the upper-right corner, but thankfully there didn’t seem to be any coming in or out. Gerard smiled down at me, and I scrambled away from him, but he stomped in and slapped me so hard across the face my head spun.
“Have fun baking in here, you little cock smoker.”
I flopped onto the floor, even though the entire room vaguely smelled like pee, and the heavy metal door shut. It didn’t take long for me to hear Myles cursing and swearing, and then a door that sounded as if it was next to this room clanged shut. I sighed. Next time I would need to be smarter. If there was a next time. How many of these rooms were there?
It didn’t take me long to figure out why everything smelled like urine as I relieved myself in the corner because there was nowhere else to do it. After two hours I was boiling hot and thirsty and starting to feel bad. My stomach churned. I lay down on the floor and closed my eyes.
The day crawled by.
No one came to let me out for dinner or give me any water, and I was starting to get scared as the sun went down. A chill that felt a thousand degrees colder than air conditioning cut through me down to the bone as darkness settled. I was drifting when I heard something that vaguely sounded like fireworks popping off in the distance. Frowning, I forced myself up onto my elbows, then heard the weird sound again.
With an energy I hadn’t realized I still had, I hopped to my feet and peeked out through the bars in the window. Gasping, I slapped my hands against the bars as I watched men dressed in black with ski masks over their faces rise up out of the ditch like scary demons. The lights on the building went out, and all the normal sounds that came with electricity—the central air that was pumping into the rest of the building—stopped.
“Help!” I called, desperately hoping that whoever was here was someone better than Gerard and the other guards. I gasped as a shadow emerged on the other side of the bars, and a phone flashlight went on, illuminating the underside of a grinning face. “Ethan!”
Beautiful excitement, the first I’d felt since the last time we were together, powered through me. I reached out, and he leaned forward. I pressed my face between the bars and my body jolted with the joy of touching my lips to his.
“Thank God, you’re here.” I moaned, and he kissed me harder.
I didn’t wantto let Jonas go or move away from him, but I needed to if I wanted to get him out of this prison. It had taken us too long to get here, but King had insisted on getting a bigger team together. In New Gothenburg, we’d met up with another club full of women called the Harlot Queens MC, but King didn’t stop there because we met two other clubs halfway to Mexico. The Desert Bones MC were from Las Vegas, while the Greek Lords MC came from Louisiana, and they were a bunch of interesting guys, though I wasn’t focused on making friends with them.
No, my mind had been on getting to Jonas and saving him from this hell.
We’d watched the camp for the entire day, and Scar had to physically hold me back on more than one occasion so I wouldn’t rush in here and beat down the guards. There was one bastard I wanted to gut more than the rest, and I’d watched in fury as he’d tackled Jonas and dragged him to the cell he was currently in. Charley had to help Scar hold me back when I saw that happen. Only King slapping me across the face had made me focus on the plan, rather than my instincts.
Now I was here, my lips against Jonas’s through the bars, and I would die for him. I would burn this place to the ground, exactly like I’d told King back at the farmhouse. I wanted to make these religious psychos hurt.
“Move back,” I ordered, and Jonas shuffled away immediately.
One of the Bones—a young guy with curly blond hair and mismatched eyes—came up behind me with a wide grin and a sharp stare. He passed me a can that reminded me of shaving cream. From what I’d been told, he was the Bones’ explosive expert. “It’ll blow the door right off its hinges. Come on, let me show you how to do it.”
Jonas pressed his face to the bars. “Hi, I’m Jonas.”
The Boner—I smirked when I called them that in my head—grinned widely at him. He bounced on the tips of his toes and stuck his hand toward Jonas, who shook it. “Hey, Jonas. I’m Glitch. Now do me a tiny favor. Take a step back and close your eyes, okay? I’m about to make fireworks.”
Jonas did exactly like Glitch ordered, backing up until he was pressed against the wall on the other side of the small room. Glitch snatched the can back out of my hands, and I watched with interest as he sprayed foam all around the door, then coated the hinges with an extra layer. He patted me on the arm. When he was done, he took out an electronic device that was smaller than a wristwatch and inserted a wire into the foam.
“Move back, lover boy.”
Together, we hustled away, and Glitch pulled out his phone.
“Close your eyes.”
I didn’t know what he was tapping on the screen, but a few seconds later, the foam detonated with a bright burst around the door, which shook the metal and rattled it right off its hinges. The door came crashing down to the dusty ground. Glitch howled like a coyote in excitement.
“Oh, thar she blows! Oh baby, yes. You beautiful thing!” Glitch spread his arms and did a weird dancing glide across the dirt before clapping his hands excitedly. “Fucking beautiful!”
I shook my head as the smoke began to clear. Jonas stepped out onto the door. I met him halfway and hauled him into a hug and another deep kiss. To feel his firm muscles against my body was electric, and I swore I was never letting him go again. He was mine.
“Hey, you two, stop making out and help me with the others.” Glitch laughed and shoved my shoulder, and I sent him a glare.