Page 12 of Fool's Gold

He tilted his chin up to the sky and closed his eyes, and I took a moment to appreciate the sun on his face, lighting up his strong features. This close to him, I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the dimple in his chin or stop staring at how pouty his lips were. I wanted to drag him somewhere secluded, shove him to his knees, and feed him my cock. He would look so pretty with his mouth open wide as he took me inside.

I shuddered and earned a confused glance from him.

“You didn’t hurt Chet, did you?” he asked gently.

I ran a hand through my hair and chuckled. “Nah, he’s good. Maybe now he’ll think twice before outing another person.”

Jonas smiled. “His parents already called mine. Mom and Dad apologized to me this morning. Not sure if they really believe Chet was lying.”

I stuffed my hands into my pants pockets and kicked a rock, watching it tumble across the ground. “All you need to do right now is survive, man. Wait until you’re legal and get out of that religious hellhole.”

“Actually, I’m eighteen now. I just need to graduate high school. I’m counting down the days.” He sighed and gripped his backpack strap tighter. I saw the strain in his fingers. “I imagine it every morning when I wake up.”

“Yeah.” I didn’t know what else to say. Our worlds were light-years apart, and even though a simple river divided our homes, it felt like we were from two different planets. He was too sweet for me, but I couldn’t stay away. I wanted to know more. “It’s Saturday tomorrow. Got any plans?”

He blinked at me. “Not really. My family goes to church on Sunday for a few hours, but I usually do my homework on Saturdays.”

I snorted out a laugh. “That’s fucking boring.” I kicked another stone and this one went farther than the other. “We should catch a bus into the city. I’m sure there’ll be shit to do there.”

He stopped abruptly, and it took a second for me to realize before I did, too. I turned toward him and took in the wide brown eyes and slightly open mouth, lips so pretty and dark red. “Are you...?” He glanced around quickly and stepped in closer. “Are you asking me on a date?”

My first reaction was to laugh it off, tell him I wasn’t gay, but I didn’t want to. Even though we were so different, we were also alike. We were both hiding ourselves because ofwherewe lived, and a small part of me wanted to spend time with him without the bullshit. I barely knew the guy, at least in personality, and I wanted to hang.

Instead of outright saying “fuck yeah” like I considered, though, I shrugged. My hands were still in my pockets, and I kept them there so I didn’t reach out to clasp his face and land a big kiss on that pouty mouth. “I mean, I guess. Or it could be two guys hanging out. Whatever’s your thing.”

Fucking classy.

I nearly rolled my eyes at my awkwardness. When I had to pretend to be straight, girls loved me. They fell all over me. I didn’t know why I was acting different around Jonas.

Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because he’s got a fucking dick?

I held back a snort. “So... do you wanna?”

“Um, I’ll have to come up with a good lie for my parents.” He shifted between his feet nervously but smiled, too. His eyes seemed more vibrant today or maybe it was just because the sun was sparkling in them. “I could tell them I’m doing charity work for a shelter program. It could give me a good excuse for hanging out more than once with you.”

I nearly choked on my own spit. Heat spread through me, a blazing wildfire. I was no virgin, but fuck, I felt like one. Well, technically I was a date virgin. I’d never had a reason to actually go out with someone. I never wanted to—until now.

I cleared my throat and smirked. “Yeah. That’s good. Yeah, real cool.”What the fuck? Cool? Really?

He laughed, and I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment. This wasn’t me. I was laid-back and knew the exact right shit to say. Except now, apparently.

“Do you know of any places in the city?” he asked, starting to walk again.

I joined him at his side and stared ahead. The closer we got to the high school, the more people would see us, and I didn’t want him to get into trouble, especially if I wanted him to come into the city with me. “Nah, but I got a friend I can ask. He’ll know.”

“Great.” He touched the back of my wrist, and I stiffened, but I was relieved when he didn’t try to hold my hand like I’d worried he would. It was almost as if he wanted to, though. “I can’t wait. We could meet at the bus stop?”

I nodded and stopped near Jolie’s, the small convenience store. “Sounds good. Let’s say at nine. Will you be all right to walk the rest of the way?”

The smile he gave me infested my stomach with butterflies.

How fucking stupid am I?

“Yeah, I can do that time, and I’m fine. Thanks,” he said.

I nodded awkwardly and gave him a small grin before I spun on my heel and stumbled back the way I’d come. If anyone from the park saw this, I would never hear the end of it. Even if they didn’t know I was gay, just being around Jonas would be reason enough to give me shit. Knowing this, I still didn’t care as I glanced over my shoulder to check on him, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw he was still watching me walk away.

He waved, and I sent him one back before I focused on the ground in front of me. It took all my effort not to run home.