Page 9 of Fool's Gold

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me, dragging me back toward the fence. When we were there, he pointed at a trailer. “That one on the end is mine. Come over if it gets bad.”

He stared at me, and I gazed right back while I felt like I was caught in a tornado. “Just lie?”

“Easiest thing in the world.” He patted the top of my head, and I snorted out a laugh.

“Maybe for you. Okay. Chet lives on the same street I do. Number 222. His room is on the first floor in the back.”

“How do you know that?” he asked sharply.

“We’ve known each other since we were babies.”

He waved his hand toward the river, and I went to the big rocks, carefully making my way to the other side. I took a deep breath as I avoided the boggy spots and walked toward my house with my heart beating seven thousand miles a minute. My parents’ vehicles were already there, so they’d probably come straight home as soon as they’d realized I wasn’t at the church.

“Just lie.” I shivered at the warm gust of air that breezed into my ear along with the words, and Ethan strolled past me. I slowed down so I could watch him walk, but he cut left through the lawns toward the trees at the back, and with the sky darkening, I lost sight of him.

Taking a deep breath, I headed toward my house.

Just lie. How hard could it be? I’ve been doing it all along anyway.



Chet’s housewas nearly identical to Jonas’s, with the same wide driveway, white siding, and bay windows. The place reminded me of the houses in a TV show I sometimes saw when I finally managed to get time to sit down on my ratty couch. I never watched for long because the family element seemed unbelievable, and I was quick to change the channel to a game show or something with explosions—anything to get away from the dream family I’d wanted as a kid. Until I was eight, I’d closed my eyes at night and pretended I lived in a home exactly like this, with parents who cared and an older brother who didn’t have to do illegal shit to make ends meet. When I reached about nine, though, I’d realized it wasn’t ever going to happen, and I’d settled into the same life as Leo.

I was doomed to that hellhole.

Movement behind the curtain covering one of the front windows had me sidling up to a particularly high hedge. I hid as the front porch light switched on and a middle-aged woman and man swept out of the door, dressed up in fancy clothes that suggested they were going out to a yuppie place. There was no guy around Jonas’s age with them, which probably meant he was staying home. After making a declaration of being gay, I wasn’t exactly surprised.

I smirked as they left in a BMW and headed down the street, the taillights of the car barely visible in the twilight.

Once I was sure they were gone, I slid around the side of the house and toward the back, exactly where Jonas had told me I would find Chet’s room. There were only two floors, and Jonas had said Chet was on the first one, which meant no climbing. I supposed that was a relief, even if I was disappointed. Climbing meant I could appear scarier to the well-off religious jackhole, but I would take what I could get. Threatening people—especially those who had a better life than me—was fun.

The room he’d pointed out had curtains drawn across the windows, but they flapped in the slight wind that snuck its way through. I snorted at how stupid he was as I stalked my way over and crouched, listening for sounds. The only thing I heard were grunts and small moans, and it wasn’t hard to guess that they were coming from one person. The rat was rubbing one out.

Chuckling quietly, I jumped to my feet, knocked in the screen, and threw the window open. I hoisted myself into his room in one smooth motion. The curtains fluttered around me as I landed on my feet inside, and the man on the bed with his cock in his hand froze, eyes wide with shock plastered on his ugly face.

Chet’s cheeks flushed a ruddy red and he released his cock quickly, as though I wouldn’t be able to tell he was jerking his meat, and it slapped against his belly. “Who.... Who are you?”

With a smirk, I stalked across the room in three large steps, then jumped on the bed beside him.What an idiot.I wrapped my fingers around his throat and pressed them into his airway, effectively making him gasp and grapple at my wrists, trying to dislodge my grip. Even though he had wide shoulders, he was weak compared to me and didn’t have a chance of winning. As tempting as it was to kill him for being a coward, I didn’t think Jonas would appreciate it. I released my hold enough for him to breathe, and he desperately gulped air.

He shuddered, and something touched my thigh. When I looked, I grunted out a noise of disbelief. His cock was harder than ever, tapping me like he wanted me to choke him again. “You’re fucked up, you know that,Chet?”

He shivered and blinked at me with watery eyes. I didn’t know if the waterworks were from fear or because he’d been choked. “What do you want?”

“Take a guess.” I rammed my fist into his naked gut, and a scream of agony slipped from his mouth.

He cringed away from me and tried to escape off the bed, but I still had a firm grip on his neck, and there was no way he was going anywhere. “I don’t even know who you are.”

I shook my head and faked disappointment. “Come on, I’ve seen you walking to school. You can’t tell me you haven’t seen me and my friend Murph sitting on the fence at the trailer park?”

His eyes widened and he tried to back away, again going nowhere because of my hold on him. I tightened my grip, and his cock jerked, nudging my thigh again. I grunted out in disgust. Now, if it’d been Jonas’s package, I might’ve been interested, but this guy was a fucking weasel.

“If you don’t control your dick, I’ll fucking chop it off,” I snarled.

Chet squeaked. Not even those words made his stiffy go down, though. He might’ve even grown harder. This was not going how I’d planned.

“Did you fucking tell your parents Jonas is gay?”