Page 71 of Fool's Gold

“Beats me. It’s a pretty hotel, though,” Ethan said.

All three stories were lit up by spotlights along the front of the historic brick building. The arched windows glowed in the night like vibrant jewels. There were pillars and curved balconies. I’d never breathed near anything as expensive as that place. It reminded me of a tiny castle or something out of a fairytale.

I hummed in agreement.

We easily found the path, and Josh was right. Even though there weren’t very many decorative pole lights on either side, the ones that were around reflected on Lake Ontario and made everything feel surreal. The stars were out and glittered overhead in between fluffy clouds, and a cool breeze blew through my hair.

Ethan pulled me to a stop more than once to kiss me, and by the time we were almost done with our walk, I was hard as he guided me under a willow tree to where it was really dark and pressed me against the trunk. I whimpered as he slid down the zipper of my jeans, then wriggled his hand inside to pull out my cock. I thought I was going to pass out from the exhilaration of doing this outside. I did the same for him.

We’d messed around with each other for so long that it only took a couple of tugs for both of us to come while he sucked the tip of my tongue. I whimpered as my balls emptied, and pleasure burst on my cockhead while tingles rushed through my stomach.

When the tremors in our bodies had finally subsided, he laughed and leaned his forehead against mine.

Groaning, I held up my cum-covered hand. “What am I going to do about this?” I asked. I couldn’t really see his eyes, but they glittered in the dark.

He snagged my wrist and brought my hand up to my mouth. “Eat it.”

Licking his cum off my palm gave me a dirty thrill, and his bright, bitter flavor had me making low sounds that were halfway between a moan and a whine.

“Fuck, let’s go home and put the blankets on the bed,” he growled into my ear.

“Yes, I’d love that.”

We were halfway back to the bike before we got close enough to the hotel that the lights illuminated his face.

“What did you do with my mess?” I asked, frowning at him.

He shrugged. “Wiped it on the tree.”

“Oh no!” I laughed.

He grinned at me and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

We made it back to the bike in time to watch a line of nice cars leaving the parking lot, so whatever had been going on at the hotel must’ve ended. I was excited to go home because there was also a bottle of lube hidden in that bag between the new blankets.

Ethan looked at me and licked his lips, and I wanted to do whatever was floating around in his head right now. My stomach clenched as he stared at me. Ethan picked up my helmet and gently settled it onto my head, then buckled the strap under my chin. I tilted my head toward him, and he didn’t hesitate, just pressed his mouth to mine.

“I could get used to living this way,” I said as he leaned back and put on his helmet.

“Me too.” He raised the visor to wink. “I’m going to speed on the way home. Hold on.”

I laughed because I was pretty sure he was teasing me—he’d never done anything dangerous with me in the sidecar. He started the engine, and I loved the vibrations. It was almost like getting a massage. As we left the parking lot, Ethan swore, and I gulped air as the bike lurched forward.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

He glanced in my direction. “Fucking Dutch, that’s what. The asshole must’ve known we were looking for him earlier because he’s out right now. Doesn’t look like anyone’s in the car with him. I gotta get him.”

“What? Why?”

He grinned at me. “Because King told me to. Stay down in the seat, okay?”

“That isn’t a good reason!” I shouted.

“Because I fucking owe him a punch to the fucking face.” A snarl crossed his lips. “He could’ve gotten us killed the other day.” Ethan slapped his visor down, and I hunkered into the sidecar. We followed the car for a long time, and I didn’t know New Gothenburg very well, so I was confused and lost by the time the car bounced into a dirt parking lot next to a baseball field. There were a few struggling lights near the field, but the area was mostly dark.

The car door whipped open, and I gasped at the silver gun that was pointed in our direction. It was all I could focus on. Ethan didn’t stop the bike, just kept driving as he swore, and I cringed as the gun went off. The sound of metal pinging on metal—a bullet hitting our bike—had my heart in my throat, but then Ethan slammed the brakes.

“You fucking shot at me, Dutch!” Ethan shouted, raising his visor.