Page 64 of Fool's Gold

He attempted to knock my hand away, but he didn’t have the strength. “Yeah, well, you fucked up, Shep. You left that religious loser in there and he shouldn’t have been.”

“Who I have in my home is my fucking business, not yours.” I tightened my hold, and his shirt made a ripping sound, causing him to wince. “Tell me why I shouldn’t kick your ass.”

“Owen will kick you out.” His voice wobbled and he didn’t sound sure.

I laughed. “You already said he’ll do that. I have nothing to lose, do I?”

His eyes widened and he struggled, slapping my wrist. “I’m important to Dutch. You hurt me, and he’ll take off one of your fucking arms.”

My laughter rose and I shook my head. “You’re nothing but a pissant. He could replace you within minutes. Finding dickheads like you, someone stupid enough to hold a gun and act like an asshole, is fucking easy.”

He finally managed to extract himself, but only because I released him, and he backed up with a glare. “You’re gay.”

I stared at him for a long moment and finally nodded. “Yeah, I am. But guess what,Murph? I’ve always been gay. It isn’t anything new.”

He pointed a bony finger at me. “Owen will kick you out!”

I spread my arms. “Dude, stop repeating yourself and come up with something new. We all know Owen’s a fucking bigot.”

The sound of shuffling feet behind me met my ears, and Jonas laid a hand on my shoulder. “Ethan, let it go. Come on, you’ve got a job to do.” His voice was so sweet and quiet, and it canceled out Murph’s incessant sniffling that always drove me crazy.

“Yeah, listen to yourboyfriend,” Murph said with a sneer.

I squinted at him. “Thanks, I will, because heismy boyfriend, jackass.”

Murph froze.

I couldn’t tell if he was shocked that I’d admitted it or if he actually hadn’t thought we were in a relationship.

“He’s nothing but a religious freak,” Murph finally said again, frowning. “You had to go for that weird fucker?”

I reacted on an impulse. No one insulted Jonas like that, especially not Murph, so I shot forward and slammed my fist into his face. He went flying backward, yelling as he crashed to the ground.

I pointed at him. “Don’t you fucking call him anything but his name again or I’ll kill you.”

Murph groaned, gripping his jaw with his hand as he turned to glare at me. “He’s got you by the balls. Did he even give up his ass to you, or is he a sweet virgin and you rub one off every time he doesn’t spread his cheeks for you?”

Anger exploded in my chest.

“Ethan, no!” Jonas called out.

Shaking my head, I shot forward again, landing on top of Murph. I smashed my fist into the same jaw I’d hit moments ago, and he held up his arms, trying to block my attacks, but it didn’t work. I punched him again and again, blood spurting from his mouth and nose and splattering across my knuckles as I continued to pummel him until he was motionless on the ground. A small groan escaped his battered mouth, signaling he was alive, but he was half unconscious after I’d managed to get his forehead a few times.

I stumbled to my feet, and Jonas was there, grabbing my shoulder with his eyes a little too wide.

Behind us was a commotion, and the owner, Owen Robinson, came storming toward us. He was a tall, chubby old man with white hair and a matching beard, and as a child he’d reminded me of Santa Claus. That impression had faded as I’d gotten older and heard some of the awful shit that came out of his mouth. Other residents had come out of their trailers to watch our fight, including Tav and Chet, and Tav shook his head in disappointment at me.

Finally Owen reached me and shoved my chest. “Look what you did.” He waved his hand at Murph, who was regaining some sense as he groaned and rolled to his side in an attempt to get to his knees, then his feet. “You know the rules, Shep. You’ve been here your entire life. I’ve never had to give you a warning, but in the last few weeks, we’ve had pigs here and thosepeoplefrom across the river, too. Now there’s this shit.” He shook his finger at Jonas. “And what is he doing here? You didn’t get permission for one of those silver spoon fanatics to be in your trailer.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw Tav push Chet toward his trailer door gently, and I squared my shoulders to keep Owen’s attention on me so he wouldn’t spot Chet. This was my fault, and as much as I hated Chet for ratting Jonas out, he had nowhere to go and Jonas still liked him.

“Say what you’re gonna say, Owen.” I shrugged even though I knew what was coming. This was the last straw.

Owen crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at me. “It’s time for you to leave this park. I don’t need no trouble, and you know the rules. No cops and no fighting.”

“And no gay shit,” Murph slurred drowsily. He’d managed to get into a seated position on his ass, but he was swaying like he was about to pass out completely.

Owen gave me a squinty look. “You gay, Shep?”