Page 43 of Fool's Gold

“And you didn’t fucking fight harder?” I wasn’t angry at him, but rage bubbled over inside me, and instead of reining it in, I let it go. I slammed my fist into the trailer near the door, and Tav flinched.

“Bloody hell, lad, Itried, but it was me against more than one of them. I couldn’t fight them and protect Jonas. And these wee bastards—” He gestured around the trailer park. “—aren’t going to help for fear of getting kicked out. Owen already came and gave me an official warning.” He frowned. “He told me not to start shite or he’d kick me out. I can’t afford anywhere else, Shep. I’m struggling as it is.”

My hands curled into fists at my side, and I gave him a short nod. I glanced around him and saw Chet sitting on a rickety old chair at a small, round wooden dining table, and he gave me a tiny, nervous wave and a sad smile.

“Fine. Keep Chet here. I’m going after Jonas.”

“They’ve probably sent him away already,” Tav murmured. “It was a few hours ago that they left.”

I shook my head and bared my teeth. “Then I’ll kill his father and go rescue him.”

He nodded and pointed at my trailer. “Murph did that. He didn’t like Jonas being in your trailer, and then thought he could raid your stash.”

The news only got worse. “I’ll deal withhimlater.”

With that, I turned on my heel and headed back to Scar, who wore a serious scowl. I squared my shoulders. “Jonas’s religious freak of a father kidnapped him and probably sent him to a conversion camp in Mexico. I’m going over to his house right now and ripping the balls off his father and feeding them to him before I get him to tell me where he sent Jonas, and then I’m going to get my... boyfriend. I know I’m not a King yet, and I accept that, but I thought you should all know.” I slid my stare to King. “He’s important to me, and I barely know him, but I want to and I’m not letting him stay stuck in that hell.”

One of King’s right-hand men, a guy named Undertaker, leaned forward on his customized bike. The steampunk pipework glowed beside the flashy red paint job. He wasn’t wearing a helmet, and in the light from the open door of Tav’s trailer, his dark hair had a burnt orange section that swooped down across his forehead. He wore black lipstick and eyeshadow, and he was one of the scariest guys I’d ever met. His smile was dangerous and hungry.

“Torture and Mexico are two of my favorite things.” He laughed and nudged King. “What do you say? It’s been boring lately. Let’s have some fun.”

“Boring?” King drawled with a deep laugh. “I wouldn’t fucking call thisboring. We’ve had too much action lately.” His attention slid to me. “But even without the vote making it official, he’s a prospect, and I have a good feeling about him. So yeah, let’s fuck up some religious cultists.”

Scar clapped his hands together and chuckled. “That’s what I’m talking about.” He waved his hand at me. “Get your bike, Shep. Let’s go pay his father a visit.”

I didn’t argue. I raced to get my bike. Once I had the key in the ignition and turned on, I kick-started the engine and she rumbled to life, joining the rest of the Kings’ bikes in a chaos of noise.

I glanced at Tav. “If Murph comes back, tell him he better return my shit or I’m coming for him next, and it won’t be pleasant.”

Tav nodded, and even though his face was beaten and he looked like crap, he stared at me in pride. It was the way I’d always wanted Leo to look at me, and it warmed my gut to know I’d made someone I cared about proud.

“Listen up,” King yelled loud enough for all of us to hear, but his words were pointed toward me. “We don’t want to attract attention, but we will if the community’s like I think it is. Not many bikers around there.”

I grunted. If someone like me could get negative attention, a group of bikers would have a squad of cops called.

“We need to be smart about this because we don’t want to all end up behind bars.” King straightened and glanced around at us.

Undertaker smirked. “I could go in there, quiet as a mouse. Get the information and take him out before he knew what was happening.” He closed his eyes and his smile grew wider. “It would be my moment of introspection for the day.”

“No,” I said sharply, earning a dangerous, unwavering stare from him. “He deserves pain and suffering, and it’ll come from me.”

“Have you killed anyone, little boy?” Undertaker’s grin sent a shiver down my spine, and I’d faced some scary men in my life.

I leaned forward. “There’s a first time for everything, and I’m willing to learn if it means making that fucker scream for mercy.”

He chuckled and glanced at King. “I like him. He might fit in after all.”

King shook his head. “All right, let’s make a plan. We want to go in quiet.”

“If he wants to drug Jonas, we should do the same to him,” I said.

King’s wide grin lit up his face while Scar laughed.

“I like the way you think, Prospect,” King said.

“I can make it happen,” Undertaker said in a bored tone with a shrug.

King nodded. “We go in, drug him, drag him out, and put him in a crash van. Once we get him somewhere nice and quiet, Sheep can do what he wants with him.” King’s orders had everyone nodding.