Page 2 of Fool's Gold

Every time Murph saw him, though, he made sure Jonas was aware we were here.

“Cockbag!” Murph called out louder, and even though Jonas glanced at us across the river, he kept walking. He made a point of pulling out a pair of earbuds from his pocket, then slipped them into his ears. With a hefty amount of indifference, he adjusted his backpack on his shoulders. “Motherfucker.”

Murph slid off the fence and pressed his fist into his palm, cracking his knuckles.

“Man, come on.” I rolled my eyes and nudged him from where I sat on the fence. “He’s a Goody Two-shoes. Let it go. We’ve got bigger fish to fry. Dutch will be here soon, and we’re heading out.”

Murph bared his teeth, and I grimaced because it wasn’t a great sight. “I’m not gonna be disrespected by that little fucker, Shep. Move.” He shoved me as he stormed past and headed along the river, his baggy cargo pants swinging with him as he nearly ran.

I cursed and took off after him. The last thing I wanted was for him to break one of the rules and get us both kicked out. If anyone saw us together and Murph caused shit, then told Owen, the man who owned the trailer park—I would be done for. The rules might not be written down anywhere, but they were fucking real. This was the only place I’d known as home, and I had nowhere else to go.

“Murph! Fuck, stop.” I lunged and grabbed his arm, but he shook me off. The second time I tried to snag him, he swung at me, and I dodged a right hook to the cheek. I glared but threw my hands up in frustration. If he wanted to be homeless, that was his choice. I wasn’t getting involved.

My gaze shot to the man on the other side of the river and his obliviousness to Murph stalking him like prey. My heart gave a sharp tug. He was hot, with short dark hair and enough muscles to put the few gym bunnies who lived around here to shame. Hell, I might even want to fuck him, but I didn’t try. We came from two different worlds, and I didn’t plant my dick in anyone who lived anywhere near the trailers. If I wanted to get laid, I went into New Gothenburg with a hookup, where I could be anonymous.

No names.

No way of contact.

No seconds.

This guy had no idea what was coming at him. I wasn’t wrong when I’d told Murph he was a goody-goody. I’d snooped over the years. He got straight As in school, never got into trouble—as far as I could tell—and he taught kids how to play soccer after school. The guy couldn’t be more of an angel if he tried.

Murph and I were his polar opposite. We sold drugs, took stolen cars for joyrides, and gave other people shit. We lived to cause chaos—Murph more than me. He saw somethingniceand he liked to wreck it, and right now that shiny thing was Jonas.

I glanced toward the trailer park, then back at Murph. “Motherfucking crusty old ball sack,” I muttered.

If this came back on me, I would be out on my ass, too, and I wasn’t going to let that happen. I had nowhere else to go and no family to save me.

By the time I reached him, Murph had jumped on the big rocks to cross the river and was in Jonas’s face, shoving him hard enough that Jonas stumbled backward, nearly tripping over his own feet. Dirt and mud flecked Jonas’s perfect white shoes and jeans as he stepped in sludge from the rain we’d gotten last night. The earbuds hung around his neck; he must’ve slid them out when Murph attacked.

“What are you doing?” Jonas asked, too quietly. If he wanted to stand up to Murph, he needed to sound stronger and more forceful, like someone who could take care of himself. It didn’t matter if he had muscles if his attitude didn’t match.

“You’re a pussy,” Murph said with a sneer, stepping in closer for another shove. This time Jonas landed on his ass, hands slapping beside his thighs in more mud. “You think you’re better than us, do ya?”

“Enough, Murphy!” I strode over to him and pushed him aside, but he reared back with another punch aimed at me. I didn’t move as quickly as last time, and his knuckles met my cheek. The hit hurt like a motherfucker, but even though I stumbled backward, I managed to stay on my feet.

Agony thrummed in my cheek, a throbbing pain that extended out from my face and down my neck. I’d been in fights numerous times, so it was a feeling I could handle.

“Fuck, man!” I glared at him.

Murph’s mouth curled in a snarl and he raised his fist, warning me not to come closer. “Get lost if you aren’t going to help. This fucker thinks he’s better than us.”

“Dude, he was heading to school. He’s fucking hooked on Jesus. Leave him alone. I don’t want to end up on the streets because you’re looking for a fight.” I pointed at Murph with a glare. “That’s exactly what’ll happen if you keep this shit up.”

Murph grunted and swiped at his mangy hair, brushing it off his forehead as he glanced at Jonas again. I could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears as his brow furrowed and he made the attempt to use his brain. The guy wasn’t hard to figure out. He did too many drugs and liked to make himself feel tough. He would never single out someone who could kick his ass in a fair fight because he was too much of a coward.

The only reason he’d punched me was because of rule number four. We couldn’t create drama between each other, even if we wanted to. Fucking prick.

He went to step toward Jonas again, who stayed sitting on his ass while staring up at Murph with wide frightened eyes, but I got in between them.

“Enough, you fuckhead.” I crossed my arms and kept my glare level with Murph’s face, jaw tight. “If you want to fight someone, fight me.”

Murph grunted, spit flying from his mouth. “You gay or somethin’? Why are you protecting your boyfriend?” He snickered.

“You talk so much about it, I’m beginning to wonder about you.” I raised my eyebrows at him and smirked. “Got something to tell me, Murph? June was Pride Month, but I’ll listen now.”

“Fuck you.”