Page 16 of Mail Order Mockery

He nodded. “I’ll give you a box of each size. After this you can just get the seals and not pay for the jars again.”

Jessica smiled. “That’s what we did back home. I haven’t been able to find any jars around the house though.”

Mr. Gunderson took a moment to add up their total. “Is that all? I could double the jars real easy.”

Jessica considered for a moment, and then nodded. She had a lot of berries and hoped that jam would please her new sisters. She was getting a lot of help from them and was happy to share what she could. “Thank you for all your help, Mr. Gunderson.”

“Of course. Give me a few moments and I’ll get everything carried outside for you, Mrs. Fleming.”

Jessica went out to the wagon. “Mr. Gunderson is bringing out my purchases. I also asked for jars to do the canning that I plan to do.”

He shook his head. “Just as long as you’re not spending frivolously.”

“You’ll find I try not to spend much. I’m buying food, jars for the canning I’ll do, and fabric to sew for Nancy. And the sewing machine, but you’ll see how quickly it will pay for itself. I could even sew for others for a little extra money if you want. I’m quite good and fast when I need to be.”

“As my wife, you and the children will be supported by me. No more talk of saving me money.” He looked annoyed as he gave her a hand onto the wagon seat before handing her little Sally.

While she held the baby, he disappeared into the store, coming out with two of the boxes of jars she’d requested. For the next few minutes, he helped Mr. Gunderson load the back of the wagon with her purchases.

Finally, Mr. Gunderson said, “That’s everything. You’re all set.”

“Thank you again, Mr. Gunderson,” Jessica called.

“You are allowed to make purchases for our family,” George said on the drive home. “You don’t have to check with me, unless we don’t have the money you need on the account. And if we don’t, just go across the street to Gustafson’s and get what you want there. I like Gunderson’s better, but only because they usually have a better variety of meat.”

“And you have an account at Gustafson’s as well?”

“I do. I sell milk to both stores.”

“I see.” She was quite curious about the process. “You don’t use a dairy?”

George nodded. “I do, but both stores have asked for fresh milk straight from the cows, so that’s what I deliver.”

“How many cows do you have?” she asked.

“Enough that I have three men come to help me milk at five in the morning and again at five in the evening. You’d be surprised at how hard it is to milk a barn full of dairy cows.”

“I’m surprised you don’t have little Bertie go out with you when you milk. It would be good practice for him.”

George nodded. “I used to do that. Everything became too hard when Heather died.”

“I’m very sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine losing someone I love so much.”

George nodded but didn’t look at her again as they drove home.

When they arrived, he let the family out, carrying in the meat she’d purchased. “I’m going to get help to unload the wagon. Decide where you want your sewing machine.”

Jessica hurried into the house with the children and went to the parlor. She put the baby on the floor with her brother and pushed the sofa slightly to the right, making space for the machine. She couldn’t wait to show Nancy and teach her to use it.

Hurrying into the kitchen, she quickly put the meat away, and then made sandwiches for George to take with him. She’d noticed he didn’t come home during the day to eat, and when he did come home at the end of his day, he was always hungry.

Putting the sandwiches in an oilcloth bag, she waited on the front porch to explain where she wanted everything.

The men made short work of unloading the wagon, while Jessica kept the children out of the way of the men working. When George went to leave to do the work he needed to do for the day, Jessica handed him the bag with the sandwiches.

“What’s this?”

“Sandwiches with the leftover beef from our roast the other night. I thought it would help you to have your lunch with you during the day.”