Page 67 of Summer Refresh

“It’s the refresh project. I can’t execute it and take care of the business.”

“Excuse me.” His aunt stepped into the kitchen. “The grill is hot, and Liam asked for the burgers.” She moved toward the refrigerator.

“I have an idea.” His mother’s eyes twinkled as though she were up to something. “Hey Carol, are you looking for a job?”

His aunt’s brows rose. “I plan to job hunt as soon as I get settled.”

Kent knew what his mother was up to. His aunt had a flair for decorating. She would be a natural at the refresh project.

“How would you feel about taking on the refresh service for the store?”

“Me?” Aunt Carol pressed a hand to her chest. “I don’t know. I mean this is Kent’s idea.”

“If I’m managing the store,” Kent said, “I won’t have time to take on refresh projects. So, we’ll need to hire someone. If you’re available, the job is yours.”

Aunt Carol was hesitant. “I’ll give it a try. I don’t know if I can do it as well as you.”

“I already know you can do better,” Kent said. “And I have your first project. The Seaside Bookshop.”

“So it’s all settled?” his mother asked.

“Not quite,” his father said. “We have to sign the agreement.”

His parents signed first, and then his mother handed Kent the pen. He glanced up at them. “Are you both sure you’re ready to do this?” When both of his parents nodded, he signed the contract.

His father gathered the papers. “I’ll have copies made for us. And Kent, I almost forgot, Sara was looking for you a little bit ago. She looked really disappointed that you weren’t at the store. I invited her to the picnic, but she turned me down.”

“Sara?” His mind started spinning. There was so much he needed to tell her. And he didn’t feel it could wait. He looked at his aunt. “I know this is your party, but would you mind if I stepped out for a bit? This is really important.”

“I would never stand in the way of love. Go get her.” His aunt smiled.

He didn’t need to be told twice. He turned and headed for the door. He pulled it open and practically ran into Harvey. What was he doing there? Kent couldn’t remember his parents inviting Harvey to one of their backyard parties.

“Hey, Kent.” Harvey sent him a friendly smile. “I hope you don’t mind that I stopped by. Your aunt mentioned the party and said I should stop by.”

Ah… Now it all made sense. “It’s good to see you. I think you’ll find Aunt Carol in the kitchen.” He pointed in the direction. “I just have to step out for a bit.”

After Harvey stepped inside, Kent rushed out the door. He had to find Sara. They had a lot of talking to do.

Chapter Twenty-three

TonightwastheConcerton the Beach.

Sara moved restlessly around her apartment. She was so bored she’d baked some apricot blondie bars. Originally, she’d sought out the recipe to bake for Kent, but they’d gotten so busy with the lobby she’d forgotten about the recipe…until now.

The pan was in the oven at the moment. She inhaled deeply, savoring the sweet buttery aroma. While she waited, she’d gotten out a dust rag and was spiffing up the living room. This was by far the worst vacation she’d ever taken.

Usually, she got together with some friends, and they planned a trip somewhere. Once it was to New York City for a week of Broadway shows. Another time it was to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. And another time it was a trip to California to see the giant redwood trees.

This time she’d been planning to help her sister get settled into her new apartment on the island, but that had fallen through. She thought of calling Cari, but she wasn’t sure what to say. She was still hurting from her sister’s sudden change of mind. Sure, she’d get over it. After all, they were family, but it just might take her a moment or two.

And so she was left home alone without her sister, without Oreo, and most of all, without Kent. She was definitely doing something wrong. Maybe she should try calling Kent again. She grabbed her phone from the kitchen counter and dialed his number. It once more went to voicemail. What was wrong with him? Didn’t he ever charge his phone? She sighed.


The blondies were done. She moved to the kitchen. With a hot mitt, she pulled the pan from the oven and placed it on a hot pad to cool. She inhaled the sweet aroma. It smelled so good. She couldn’t wait to have some, but it would be a while until it cooled.

She glanced at the clock. It was almost seven o’clock. This was the time she’d agreed to meet Kent at the concert. She wondered if he remembered about their date? She doubted it. He had a lot on his mind now that he had the job in Hartford.