Page 6 of Summer Refresh

“Why not?”

He stopped the cart in the inn’s parking lot. “I think the less we have to do with each other the better.”

Her frown turned into a glare. “I don’t know why you have to be so stubborn.” She stepped out of the cart. “Surely there has to be something we can work out?”

He shook his head. “No.”

With a huff, she turned. Her shoulders were rigid as she made her way up the walk. He should turn away, but there was something about Sara that always intrigued him. Not that he ever had the chance to know her very well.

When they were in school, he’d been a few years ahead of her and they hadn’t run in the same circles. He’d graduated with her sister, Cari. For a while their class had remained good friends after high school, including him and Cari. Sara had been too young for him. And then there was the incident with Cari. Ever since then she’d acted like she hated him. The truth of the matter was that he hadn’t done anything wrong. Not that Sara would believe him, even if he had told her. But he’d made a promise. And he kept his word…even if the promise had been made many years ago.

Chapter Three


Sara strode into the lobby of the inn. She wasn’t sure why she’d stepped inside. It wasn’t like she had to go back to work. Thankfully, her work day was over.

Harvey Coleman glanced up from the reception desk. He wore a dark blue polo shirt with the inn’s logo embroidered with white thread. His snow-white hair was kept short as was his mustache and beard. He reminded her of Santa Claus. Instead of delivering gifts once a year to all the nice children, he was the inn’s night manager, but with Josie out of town, he stepped up to take over the evening shift.

“Did you forget something?” His blue eyes sent her a puzzled look from behind his gold-rimmed glasses.

“I…” What did she say? That Kent got her so worked up she wasn’t paying attention to where she went as long as it was away from him? No. “I just wanted to make sure I told you about the Weston’s anniversary dinner this evening.”

He nodded. “You did three times now. I’m old, but my memory still works.”

“Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind.” And right now she was letting down her sister. “Hey, you wouldn’t know of anyone renting out an apartment on the island, would you?”

Harvey paused as though to give the question some thought. “No, I don’t. But if I hear of one, you’ll be the first person I tell.” He arched a bushy white brow. “Are you planning to move?”

“Maybe.” She didn’t know why she was hesitant to tell people about her sister moving home. Maybe it was the fact that she was afraid to get her hopes up until Cari was on the island with her suitcase in hand.

It seemed as though all the people she loved were always leaving her. Maybe that was why she’d never had a serious romantic relationship. Maybe she mentally knew they would leave her sooner or later. It was easier to put up roadblocks than to get her heart broken.

When she didn’t immediately move back toward the door, Harvey said, “If you’re looking for something to do, I’m sure I can find you something.”

She looked at him and smiled. “You sound much too eager to share your work.”

“Can’t blame a fella for trying.”

“No, you can’t. But since you have the Weston dinner under control, I think I’ll head out again. Hope you have a good evening. And if you need anything, just let me know.”

“I’m sure it’ll be quiet.” He sent her a reassuring look. “Have a good evening.”

“Thanks.” She moved back to the door.

She squinted in the late afternoon sun. Once her vision adjusted, she was surprised to find Kent’s cart still there, but he was nowhere in sight. She wondered where he might be.

As though her thoughts summoned him, he came walking around the side of the inn. He held the phone to his ear. “I’ll talk to her. I’m sure it won’t be a problem. You have a good time and don’t worry about things.” There was a slight pause before he said, “Okay. Bye.”

Sara couldn’t help but wonder if theherhe’d mentioned was herself. She should keep walking before he glanced up and noticed her, but it was too late. Kent’s gaze met hers. She was unable to read his expression. It was as though there was some sort of wall up between them.

To her surprise, he walked right past her. He climbed into his golf cart before driving off without a word to her. Her back teeth ground together. What was it about that man that got to her? He didn’t even have to open his mouth to get under her skin.

She set off into town. She walked most everywhere on the island. Bluestar had strict limitations on the use of automobiles. So the residents got around by golf cart, bicycle, or walking. Sara had a bicycle, but she seldom used it.

Why was he being so stubborn about the apartment? She had so much pent-up frustration that it quickened her pace. She didn’t have a destination in mind. She just kept walking until she calmed down.

“Hello, Sara.”