Page 30 of Summer Refresh

He hadn’t meant to say anything. “It’s a possibility.”

“How much of a possibility?”

“As of this afternoon, I got a phone interview.”

Her brown eyes lit up with interest. “What does that mean?”

“It means they’re supposed to call me back in the next day or two and let me know if I move onto the next round.”

“What’s the next round?”

“An in-person interview.”

“I’m sure you’ll make it to the next round. What’s the position?”

“It’s in public accounting. It’s some auditing work like I did fresh out of college before I returned to the island to work in the family business, but there’s a lot of room for me to move up. It could provide me with the opportunity to live abroad.”


He couldn’t help but wonder who it would be at this hour. Was it possible Sara had a boyfriend? Then he recalled her telling him that she wasn’t in a relationship. Maybe it was a brand-new relationship.

The thought caused a slow burn in his gut. It was an unfamiliar feeling and one he wasn’t inclined to examine too closely. What Sara did was her own business. It was absolutely none of his. And yet he didn’t make any motion to leave.

Sara stepped around him in order to answer the door. While she did that, he made his way over to the couch. He knelt down in order to pet the kitten.

His fingertips touched the downy soft fur as he stroked the kitten’s back. The little one lifted his head, blinked his eyes at him, and then yawned. It appeared the kitten had gotten over its fear of humans. That was good.

Kent lifted his head to see a man on the other side of the door. He looked familiar, but he couldn’t readily put a name to the face. The man was holding a pizza box. Sara took it from him and placed it on the kitchen counter.

She grabbed some money and returned to the door. The delivery guy didn’t seem in any hurry to leave. He just kept standing there, even after Sara handed him the money. The man was smiling at Sara. And then there was something said that Kent couldn’t hear, and the man broke out into a bit of laughter. Was he flirting with her?

Kent straightened and made his way to the door. When the guy saw Kent, his eyes momentarily widened as though he were surprised to find Sara with a man. The man excused himself and then hustled down the steps.

She closed the door and turned to Kent. “I didn’t know you were coming or I would have ordered more pizza, but I think there’s still enough for us to share.”

“Thanks. But I need to be going.” Deep inside there was a part of him that wanted to stay and hang out, but he knew nothing good would have come from it because she still didn’t trust him.

She walked him to the door, and they said a quick goodbye. As he made his way down the steps, he started to regret his decision. Would it have hurt to stay and share some pizza? Probably not.

Every now and then he would catch her looking at him and not in a good way. The look on her face would be one of skepticism or frustration. He knew she was still hung up on what had gone down between him and her sister.

He wanted to tell her it wasn’t what she thought—that they hadn’t had a summertime love affair—far from it. He wanted to tell her that in his misguided way, he had been trying to help out a friend. But would Sara believe him?

It didn’t matter because he’d made a promise to Cari, and he intended to keep it. Even if it meant that Sara kept giving him strange looks and never trusted him. He’d learned a long time ago that if you didn’t stand by your word, then you aren’t much of a man.

Chapter Ten


And two days turned into three.

Sara stood in the middle of the lobby and looked around at all of their hard work. Well, most of it was Kent’s handiwork, but she’d helped out here and there.

As she took it all in, even without the furniture, the refresh was exactly what this place needed. It was a lot lighter and brighter with the new paint and the lighter-colored flooring. She hoped Josie would be as pleased with the transformation as she was.

She also realized her time working with Kent was quickly coming to an end. The furniture was to be delivered the next day. And in a week, they’d be in the midst of final preparations for the Carrington wedding.

The feeling of disappointment over the refresh coming to an end surprised her. During their time together, she’d found that her initial instincts about Kent were correct. He was a really nice guy. So how had things gone so terribly wrong between him and her sister?