Page 28 of Summer Refresh

He arched a brow. “Are you worried about her?”

Sara was quiet for a moment as she carefully considered her answer. She didn’t want to repeat their earlier conversation. She knew that it would lead nowhere. And even if he did break down and tell her what had happened with him and Cari, would she believe him?

Sara studied him for a moment. The answer startled her. She would believe him. But she knew as sure as the sun would come up tomorrow that he would keep his word to her sister and whatever had happened would remain a secret.

It was best she stuck to subjects that were less likely to strike up a conflict between them since they had to work together if they wanted to complete the lobby in time for the wedding.

She arranged the flatware on the paper placemat. “I guess I’m just curious about why she’s suddenly moving home.”

“So you think something is wrong?”

Sara shook her head. “No. She’s been so busy lately that this phone tag thing we’re doing has become a normal part of our routine. I know she teaches, but that can’t possibly take up all of her time. So, I just wonder what else she’s been doing?”

“Did you ever think she might have met someone?”

Sara opened her mouth, but then she wordlessly closed it again. Why hadn’t she thought of that? Probably because Cari never mentioned meeting anyone. If this were true, it was yet another example of them not telling each other everything.

She was starting to wonder if they were as close as she’d always thought them to be. Or was it just something she made up in her mind after their mother died? Did she try to make up for such a great loss by creating this amazing bond with her sister that didn’t really exist except in her own mind?

“Hey.” Kent’s voice drew her from her thoughts. “Would it really be so bad if she found someone?”

Sara shook her head instead of speaking. She wasn’t sure if in that moment she trusted her voice. The thought of her sister shutting her out of her life drove a painful wedge into her heart.

Thankfully, they were distracted with the delivery of their food. Whereas she was starving when they’d walked in the door, now her appetite was waning.

When Kent noticed she wasn’t eating, he asked, “Is there something wrong with your food?”

She shook her head and stabbed a lettuce leaf with her fork. After she ate it, she decided to change the subject to the lobby project and what they needed to accomplish that day.

It had been a long day.

And yet Sara’s company had definitely been the highlight.

Kent was impressed with the work they’d gotten done so far. The walls were painted and that left the trim work that needed to be done. The progress was slower than he’d been hoping, but so far they were on track to have it completed in time for the wedding.


He pulled his phone out of his back pocket. It was a message from his sister.

Josie: How’s it going?

Kent: Good. I think you’ll really like the new look.

Josie: I better. Or else you’re in trouble.

He smiled and shook his head. Leave it to his sister to complain about free labor. But he knew she was just giving him grief like a little sister is prone to do.

Kent: How’s the trip?

Josie: Great. Lane has been showing me around.

Kent: Have fun.

Josie: I am. Send me pictures of the lobby.

Kent: No. It’s going to be a surprise.

Josie: Pretty please.