Page 70 of Summer Refresh

When Sara pulled away, she said, “They’ll be here soon. I can’t believe this day.”

“Let’s go.”

Hand-in-hand they made their way to Sara’s apartment. She was so excited she was practically dragging him behind her. He loved seeing her this excited.

Once they were in her apartment, he said, “This day has been pretty remarkable.”

“It’s amazing. I’ll have both of my guys back in my life.”

“Wait. Are you saying I’m in competition with Oreo?”

“Of course not. He’s my furbaby.” She leaned in close to him. “You’re my guy. And you get these.” She kissed him.

He would never get tired of her sweet kisses. How did he get to be so lucky? “Is that all I get?”

She pulled away and moved to the kitchen, where she produced a tray of sweets. “No. You can have some of these blondie bars.”

“Count me in.” He didn’t care what was in them. He would enjoy them just because Sara baked them. “So you’re going to bake for me all of the time?” He teased her.

“Hey, I have a job too. I don’t have time to mess up the kitchen all of the time. But if you’re nice to me, we’ll see if I can manage them every now and then.”

He took a bite and moaned in pleasure. They were, in fact, delicious. He loved the flavorful bits of apricots and the bits of pecans. He had no idea Sara could bake, but she was very talented.


“It must be the Watsons.” Sara rushed around the kitchen island and practically ran to the door. She swung it open with a big smile on her face. “Hi. Please come in.”

Kent stood back and took it all in. Mr. Watson looked a bit disgruntled, and his wife looked frazzled. Obviously, Oreo hadn’t been happy about being taken away from Sara, not that Kent could blame the little guy.

“We’re sorry to do this,” Mrs. Watson said. “It’s just since we took Oreo home, he has been throwing a fit. He cries all of the time. He’s constantly trying to run out the door. And he won’t eat. We took him to the vet, who couldn’t find anything wrong with him.”

Sara’s gaze moved to the carrier with Oreo staring out at her. “Do you mind if I let him out?”

Mrs. Watson shook her head. “Go ahead.”

Kent quietly observed. He was surprised Sara wasn’t bouncing up and down with joy to have Oreo back. He knew how much she loved and missed Oreo. And yet she was acting so calm and reserved.

Sara let Oreo out of the carrier. The little kitty strutted right out of the carrier. He stopped and looked around as though figuring out where he was. Then he ran over to Sara and rubbed over her ankles. His purr was heard by all.

“I can’t believe this,” Mrs. Watson said. “He didn’t act like this with us.”

Sara obviously didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing at all.

“It’s obvious he has chosen you to be his human.” Mr. Watson held up two store bags. “We bought some kitten supplies.”

“Thank you.” Sara bent down and picked up Oreo, who continued to purr and rub over her jawline. “How much do I owe you?”

“Nothing at all.” Mr. Watson smiled. “You’ve already done a lot by taking in the kitten.”

She moved to the kitchen and got the kitten some food. Oreo immediately wolfed down the wet food as though he hadn’t eaten in a week. It was obvious to everyone in the room that Oreo was happy with Sara. They belonged together.

After the Watsons left, Sara squealed with joy as she jumped up and down. Now this was the reaction he’d been expecting. A smile pulled at Kent’s lips as he watched her do a happy dance.

When she calmed down, she looked at him. “What are you smiling at?”

“You. Are you happy?”

She moved to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m delightfully happy. Thanks to my two guys.”