Page 2 of Summer Refresh

“I don’t know yet.” Just then one of the inn’s guests headed in Sara’s direction with an expectant look on their face. Right behind them was her boss, Josie Turner. “Cari, I have to go back to work.”

“Okay. But talk to Kent today before someone else scoops up the place.”

“I will. I will. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

As Sara slipped her phone into her pocket, she smiled. Nothing could be better than having her sister home again. If only she didn’t have to deal with Kent.

She pushed aside her problem and took care of the inn’s guest. She pointed the person in the direction of The Bluff’s restaurant and then turned to Josie, who was typing on the computer used for registrations. “Shouldn’t you be on your way to the airport?”

Josie shook her head. “I’ve got too much to do here.”

Wait. Was Josie saying she wasn’t going to California to visit with her hunky boyfriend? That couldn’t be right. Just yesterday Josie had been so excited about seeing where Lane lived. What had happened between then and now?

She watched as her boss logged into the airline website. “Are you canceling your trip?”

Josie shrugged as she continued to type. Her silence spoke volumes, and Sara grew worried.

She briefly placed a hand on Josie’s arm. “What’s the matter? Are you and Lane fighting?”

Josie stopped typing and looked at her. “No. It’s nothing like that.”

Sara looked into her troubled eyes. “What’s it like then?”

For a moment, there was silence. “It’s this place. I just worry about being so far away. In two weeks we have the Carrington wedding.”

“And we’ve gone over the plans in great detail. I’ve got this.” And then she realized the real problem. “You don’t trust me, do you?”

Josie’s hands withdrew from the keyboard. She turned to Sara. “That’s not true. I have great confidence in you. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have bought the airline tickets.”

Sara wanted to believe her, but Josie’s actions spoke louder than her words. “You might have the tickets, but you aren’t planning to use them. Instead of spending the next two weeks with your good-looking boyfriend, you’re going to stay here and do the same old same old.”

Josie smiled. “He is good-looking, isn’t he?”

Sara nodded. “But you’ll have to stare at his picture on your phone, since you aren’t going to see him in person.”

Josie paused to consider things. “I do really miss him.”

“And I’m certain he misses you too.”

She sighed. “It’s just so hard to leave here. I worry about things.”

“But see, that’s the thing. With Harvey and I taking care of everything here, there’s nothing for you to worry about.”

Josie smiled and nodded. “I know.”

“Then what are you doing standing here? You have a ferry to catch to the mainland so you don’t miss your plane.”

Josie glanced at her smart watch. “I better hurry.”

“Go. I’ve got this.”

“Thank you.” Josie gave her a hug and then rushed off.

Sara was happy for Josie and Lane. They made a perfect couple. She was also looking forward to this opportunity to prove herself. Nothing would go wrong while Josie was gone. Not a thing.

If only her conversation with Kent wasn’t hanging over her head. He didn’t like her any more than she liked him. Of course, she might have instigated the mutual ill will in a misguided attempt to protect her sister.