Page 86 of Collateral Damage

Lifting her head, Sky pushed her hands against his chest and slowly sat up on him. She felt the warm hardness of his erection teasing her wet core, felt the gnawing ache of wanting him inside her. “Good,” she whispered, giving him a lazy smile, still half gone, not really all there.

“You look blown,” Cal murmured, settling his hands on her hips.

Sky laughed a little. “I am. It’s a wonderful feeling…”

“Want off?”

Shaking her head, Sky moved her core firmly against him. His eyes shuttered and narrowed. It thrilled her to be able to affect Cal so quickly. His fingers dug momentarily into her hips. “I want you inside me. Where you belong,” she said huskily, a rainbow of emotions winding slowly through her. “I want to love you, Cal…”

He couldn’t even get a word out as she lifted herself just enough to draw him slowly into her wet, waiting core. He felt like he couldn’t control himself, grunting, clenching his teeth as he easily slid into her silky, hot tunnel, surrounding him, drawing him deeper. And when she eased back and forth, allowing her body to get used to him, to accommodate his length, Cal nearly lost it. Sky’s face was soft, her eyes luminous with arousal and love. That smile of hers drove him crazy. She lifted her lips, telling him how much she was enjoying their blazing, building connection with one another.

“Don’t…,” Cal growled, “be in a… hurry…” because the last thing he wanted was to hurt her or their baby. He wasn’t a small man in that particular department, nature or genetics had been very generous to him down there. He gripped her hips to slow her down. Sky was already lost to the boiling heat arcing between them, her eyes closed, her lips parted, her breathing becoming uneven as she lavished in the pleasure of having him within her. The last thing Cal wanted was for her to be in pain, so he gently stopped her from taking any more of him into herself.

Sky moaned, barely opening her eyes. “It’s all right,” she whispered, her voice wispy, “you’re not hurting me or the baby. It just… it all feels so… good, Cal…”

He was only halfway into her. He knew he could touch her deeply, no problem at all. Cal was afraid she’d become so enthralled by the pleasure that burned between them that she’d forget, plunge downward on him, and hurt herself.

Sky stopped moving and opened her eyes. She held Cal’s concerned gaze and slowly stretched out across him. “Trust me?” she whispered.

“I don’t want you to hurt yourself… or our baby,” he rasped, searching her half-closed eyes.

“I would never do that, Cal.” Sky gave him a tender look. “Trust me?”

He nodded, feeling her wet, tight walls gripping him until he wanted to groan.

Sky moved slowly down upon Cal, watching him wrestle for control, his teeth gritting, his nostrils flaring as she took more and more of him inside her. She could feel her body burn and then accept. Sucking him deeply into her, watching his eyes grow to slits, his hands tightening around her hips, he was losing the battle to how good it felt between them. And then she lifted her hips, her hands coming to rest on his chest, and brought her full weight down upon him. Oh, the feeling was so vast, so fiery, the pleasure consuming, raw and satisfying. Sky began a campaign to force Cal to stop being concerned, to allow her to love him fully on her terms. She knew her body. She knew how large he was, but she knew where to stop, too. She had almost taken all of him inside her when she began to thrust her hips boldly against his, hearing him groan, watching his face tense, as if in pain. But he wasn’t in pain. Instead, Sky knew he was so close to coming, and so was she.

In just a few strokes, Cal felt as if his spine had been split wide open by a bolt of burning-hot lightning. It barreled into his tightened, aching balls and then exploded deep inside her luscious, small body. He felt her contract, felt the fist-like squeeze of her wet walls surrounding him until it was almost painful, and then she orgasmed as he finished his climax. They froze inside one another; neither able to move, just feel and feel some more. The intensity of the orgasms raced through them, rippling, throbbing, alive. It was an incredible celebration of their love for one another. Time ceased. Only pleasure ripped through them, shearing reality away until all that was left was exquisite enjoyment.

Sometime later, Cal felt Sky collapse limply against his sweaty body, felt his heart hammering in time with her own. He could smell her sex, a perfume that he’d never get enough of, the scent of almonds in her hair, that honeyed fragrance of her skin, as he kissed her slender, exposed throat. He would love her forever.


On December 1,Sky married Cal at their home, surrounded with good friends from Shield Security. The beautiful, slender wedding dress hung nearby, to remind Sky that she was a very pregnant woman, and that the dress would be used later, in a larger wedding planned for everyone on June 16th, in San Diego, Coronado Island, a year after her kidnapping. Sky had wanted her daughter, who would come at any time now, to have a mother and father who were married. It might be old fashioned, but she had lived with parents who had never gotten married. In her life, that would change, and Cal had agreed fully with her. It was a quiet day spent with the people who loved them, and they loved deeply in return. In September, Lauren had arranged a baby shower for Sky, the women from Shield joining them to celebrate. Cal had a bachelor’s party the week before the wedding, filling their home with noise, laughter, and hilarity for the evening.

On March 4th, in the midst of snow falling softly around Cal and Sky’s home, Makayla Sinclair was born. Lauren Parker held Sky’s hand, coaching her through that one last push that sent blond-haired, seven-pound Makayla into her father’s large, awaiting hands. Cal was guided verbally by Alex Kazak, who stood crouched behind him, offering information as the birth quickened. And as Dr. Simpson cut the baby’s umbilical cord, saving the blood in a special container, Alex expertly tied off the baby’s cord, beaming, thanking the doctor for allowing him to participate.

Sky began to cry after Alex quickly dried off Makayla, made sure her nasal passages were clear and opened. Cal’s eyes were dangerously bright as he stared down at the red, wrinkled little baby in his massive, latex gloved hands. He gave his exhausted wife a tender smile.

“She looks just like you,” he murmured, a catch in his unsteady voice.

Alex grinned and quickly wrapped Makayla into a special pink blanket that Sky had knitted for her daughter months earlier. “She has your golden hair, Sky. Her eyes are gray blue right now, but I know in a month or so, they are going to turn the color of turquoise.” Alex lifted his chin, sliding Sky a proud smile. “Strong genes. She is a beauty.”

Cal carried his daughter to his wife’s bedside, sliding her into Sky’s welcoming, opened arms. Makayla did not cry. She made snuffling sounds, her tiny arms moving energetically as Sky settled her daughter on her belly, guiding her mouth to her swollen, engorge nipple.

Lauren sniffed and wiped her eyes as she sat near Sky’s shoulder. “She’s so beautiful…”

Alex moved around to the other side of the bed, his hand resting on the headboard, smiling warmly as he watched the baby’s mouth latch on to her mother’s nipple, starving and hungry and strong. His gaze drifted to Sky, who looked weary, but happy. She couldn’t take her eyes off her suckling daughter. And then his gaze moved to Lauren. She was wiping tears of joy and relief away, her expression soft and vulnerable.

Dr. Simpson watched the proceedings. “Makayla is healthy and she’s happy. Doesn’t get any better than this, Sky. “How are you feeling?”

“Whipped,” Sky admitted, “but I don’t care. Just getting to hold Makayla makes it all worth it,” and she smiled up at the doctor.

“Well, I’m going to shoo everyone out of the room. Your placenta ought to be coming out shortly,” and she gestured toward the stairs that led down from the second-floor bedroom.

Lauren and Alex nodded.

“I’m staying,” Cal said.