Page 83 of Collateral Damage

“It’s a loving term,” Sky explained. “Someone you love, you would call them that. Yes?”

“Of course.”

“Okay, in our country, that’s known as a term of endearment.”

Frowning, Alex pulled out a small notebook from his Levi pocket. “I must write this down, Sky. Otherwise, I will screw the pooch.”

Cal burst out laughing. Lauren grinned, rolled her eyes, and then sorrowfully, shook her head.

Alex looked at them for explanation. “Oh no, I did not say it wrong, did I?”

Wiping tears out of his eyes, Cal couldn’t stop howling. He held up his hand. “Alex, listen, buddy, you and me? We need to sit down and have some serious head time about when and how to use those terms you’ve been collecting in that slang notebook of yours. Okay?”

Sky touched Alex’s thick, muscular arm and said with a smile, “You wouldn’t use a term like that when talking about this conversation, Alex. It would be rude.”

Scowling, Alex wrote furiously in his notebook, putting an asterisk by ‘screw the pooch.’ “Okay, I think I understand now. Thank you for explaining it to me. Please, I apologize to you.”

Patting his arm, Sky murmured, “It’s okay, Alex. We love you just the way you are. I wouldn’t change one hair on your head.”

Lauren rolled her eyes and groaned. “You know, I never realized just how much we Americans rely on slang to get something across to another,” and she shook her head, grinning broadly over at Cal.

“Alex gives American slang a whole new meaning,” Cal agreed, still chuckling. He gave the big medic a mischievous look. “You’re one hell of an entertainer, Alex. Thanks for bringing laughter into our house.”

Nodding, Alex said, “You are welcome.” He turned to Sky. Tapping his notepad, he said, “You just said, ‘I wouldn’t change one hair on your head.’ What does THAT mean? Do I not comb my hair correctly? Is there a special hair on my head that needs to be combed? Does it need help of some kind?”

Sky couldn’t stop laughing. She gripped Alex’s arm and put her hand over her mouth, trying to stop. The room burst into collective laughs as well.

Finally, Sky got a handle on herself and gave Alex an endearing, patient look. “Are you ready to write this down?” she asked, gesturing to his note pad.

“Of course,moya zolota,” and he gave her a great, big teasing grin.

“I love my new nickname you’ve given me,” Sky said, meaning it.

“Then you do not mind if I call you that sometimes? Because it is meant with love from my heart to yours. You are like a little sister to me. I want you happy. I want only to always hear you laugh, Sky.”

“Thank you,” Sky whispered, leaning up and kissing his shaven cheek. “You make me very happy just being here, Alex. Soon, you’re going to be an uncle to Makayla.” She looked warmly at Lauren. “And you’re going to become an aunt.”

Lauren smiled a little. “Having family is new to me. I don’t know how an aunt behaves.”

“Oh,” Alex assured her confidently with a smile, “At one time, I had many uncles and aunts. I will help you learn to be a good aunt to little Makayla. I will show you how a loving aunt spoils her niece.”

Lauren nodded, unable to defend herself against Alex’s broad, genuine smile. Her heart floundered, beat harder in her chest. “Yes, you can teach me how to be a loving aunt. I’d like that.” And she would. It was impossible to remain immune to this man. He got under her skin, had taken root in her heart despite everything Lauren had done to drive him away. She saw Alex’s smile turn suddenly affectionate, his full attention devoted to her. It felt as if raw, warm sunlight had suddenly embraced her, wrapped itself around her inside and out. The feeling was so startling, so beautiful and poignant to Lauren, that she fell helplessly into Alex’s green, sable, and gold eyes that were rich with affection she was afraid to name.

“You know,” Alex said, becoming very serious, holding Lauren’s vulnerable gaze, “I have a Ukrainian endearment for you, too: malen’kaya.

Lauren heard the melodic words roll off his tongue, felt them wrap securely around her, making her feel so loved that she didn’t know how to respond. It was as if there was palpable magic being shared between them. It was raw, alive, passionate. She felt dampness collecting between her thighs. Shaken, Lauren whispered, “What did you just call me?” Because she HAD to know. Her heart was going wild in her breast, opening up, wanting Alex. Wanting his touch.HIM.Lauren had never wanted any man in her life. Until right now.

Alex gave her an ardent look, his voice becoming husky, the emotions clearly there. “In English, it means ‘Little One.’ It is words a man would use for the woman he loves with every breath he takes…”


August 6

“Happy?” Cal askedSky, drawing her naked body against his own. It was nearly one a.m. The night had gone swiftly, with Alex and himself playing chess after dinner. Sky and Lauren had gone into the living room and watched a movie with a huge bowl of popcorn. Moonlight shed luminous streams through their master bedroom. He heard that soft musical sound in her throat, his spirit soaring, his heart opening wide.

“Very,” Sky whispered, snuggling as close as she could get to him. There was no denying Cal wanted her, his erection pressing tantalizingly against her belly. For the first time since returning home, she felt sexual. And she wanted Cal. His hand smoothed down across her ribcage, flowing across her hip, fingers splaying outward to gently settle against her abdomen. The gesture brought tears to her eyes. He was so incredibly gentle with her. He always had been, but now, since the kidnapping, Sky sensed and felt a new level of tenderness within Cal that he shared openly and willingly with her. He was a complex man of unknown depths, and she was going to spend the rest of her life exploring the many facets of him.

Nuzzling her hair, Cal rasped, “Good thing Alex and Lauren have opposite guest rooms from one another tonight. I wasn’t sure what she was going to do after he called her by that Ukrainian endearment.”