Page 82 of Collateral Damage

Lauren blinked a few times, clearing her throat and looking away, getting control over herself. She swallowed and then swung her gaze to Sky. “You know I’ll always have your back. And yeah, if I hadn’t been an only child, you’d be the little sister of my dreams.”

Sky stood up, walked around the coffee table, and threw her arms around Lauren’s shoulders. “Thank you,” she muffled, tears in her voice. “Thank you for being who you are. You inspire me so much, Lauren.”

Alex traded a warm look with Cal as the two women tearfully hugged one another. He saw Cal’s face was open, saw the love he held for Sky in his eyes. Looking away, Alex found himself deeply moved by Sky’s request. Even more touching was that Lauren had tears in her beautiful green eyes. Soft green emeralds. He’d watched her game face melt away. The woman beneath it stole his breath away. Lauren had been so vulnerable and open with Sky. Alex found his heart aching to have Lauren one day look at him the same way. It was a dream. But Alex knew dreams could come true if he held the course. And after seeing Lauren’s walls dissolve, the real woman emerge, it hardened his resolve to stay the course with her. No matter how angry and defensive she got toward him, he would not take it to his heart. Alex tucked that visual photo of Lauren away in his heart, imprinted it on his soul. It had been an unexpected gift.

Sky sniffed. Cal handed her a tissue from the box sitting on the coffee table as she came and sat back down next to him. He tucked her beside him as she blew her nose and wiped her eyes. His heart was wide open with love for Sky. Cal knew how very much it meant to her that Lauren be present. And judging from Lauren’s softened features, her green eyes glistening with unspilled tears, she had been touched profoundly by Sky’s request.

Sky smiled apologetically at Alex. “I’ve become such a sop,” she whispered, smiling at him.

“Tears are the heart’s way of healing itself,” Alex murmured, holding her luminous gaze. “They do not make me uncomfortable.”

“That’s because you wear your heart on your sleeve,” Sky whispered. She saw the confusion spread across Alex’s face. Realizing she’d dropped into slang, she shook her head.

“How does one wear their heart on their sleeve?” he wondered, genuinely concerned, while trying to visualize it.

Lauren shook her head. “It means you aren’t afraid to show your real feelings,” she muttered, giving him a quick glance.

“On my sleeve?” and he held up his arm toward her, now genuinely confused.

Cal chuckled. “Alex, the heart on the sleeve means that you’re vulnerable. You aren’t afraid to show others how you feel. It’s a compliment Sky just gave you. Okay? Not many men are able to do that. God knows, I can’t,” and he shrugged, giving Sky an apologetic glance.

“Oh,” he murmured, “okay. Well? Is this bad, Sky?”

“No, no,” Sky said quickly, holding up her hands toward him. “I love you JUST the way you are, Alex. Don’t change a thing about yourself!”

Rubbing his sleeve ruefully, Alex nodded. “Okay, I trust you, Sky.”

She smiled and said, “I’ll try to say this without slang,” she promised Alex. “Cal and I very much want you to attend the birth of Makayla, too.” Sky’s voice dropped. “When I was sick with malaria, you and Nik cared for me. But Alex, you personally protected me from Vlad. You made me feel safe in a very dangerous situation. When I found out you’d delivered lots of baby’s, I couldn’t think of anyone that I’d want here with me more, other than Cal. Would you come, too? If you’re not on an op? I so MUCH want you to be with me! You saved my life, Alex. I want you to see our little girl born. It’s the least we can do to thank you for all you’ve done for us.” Sky tilted her head, her voice becoming scratchy. “Please say yes? It would mean the world to us.”

Lauren stole a glance to her left. Alex’s face dissolved into a tender look as he regarded Sky’s passionately fueled request. Her heart twisted in her chest. Alex’s eyes were warm with love for Sky. That strong mouth of his that was so mobile, so quick to curve into a smile. She FELT Alex’s reaction. Tears drove into her eyes, and surprised by her reaction, Lauren quickly looked away. She would NOT cry! If she ever did, she’d never stop. What was it about Alex’s demeanor that just dissolved all her defenses? All her walls? Around him, Lauren felt stripped naked. Far too exposed to those hazel eyes that brimmed with life and hope.

“Moya zolota,” my golden one,” he whispered in his home language, his voice oddly husky, “it would be a great honor and gift to be with you and Cal when your little girl is born. Of course I will come if I am not away on a mission. I would not want to be anywhere but here, with all of you.”

Sky gave a cry of joy, leapt to her feet, and hurried around the coffee table. Alex slowly unwound to his full height, giving her a big, sloppy, boyish grin, opening his arms to her. Sky hugged him hard, with all her woman’s strength. Alex held her gently, hearing her sob once and then bury her face against his chest. “It’s going to be fine,moya zolota,” and he patted her gently on her shoulder, feeling how much this meant to Sky.

Sniffing, Sky eased out of his arms. She gripped Alex’s arm, holding his tender gaze he shared with her. “You saved my life,” she quavered. “And now, you are going to see a new life slip from me into this world. If you hadn’t done what you did in Peru, Alex, I wouldn’t be here now.” Sky twisted her head, catching Cal’s softened gaze. “None of us would be here.”

“Well,” Alex said in a mothering tone, low and filled with emotion, “we must welcome Makayla into the world among those who love her. A child birthed with love surrounding her will become as radiant and beautiful as the sun.” He gently touched Sky’s swelling belly. “I will be here. I am not allowed to use my medical skills here in your country, but I can be a support you.”

“I know,” Sky whispered, wiping the last of the tears from her cheeks. “I just want you, your beautiful, sharing heart, to be a part of it, Alex. I know Makayla will feel you welcoming her into our world.”

Alex removed his hand and grinned. “Oh, I will be here wearing bells,” he said proudly.

Cal grinned. “Alex, I think you mean ‘with bells on?’”

“Oh,” and he gave them all a look of apology. “Your American slang,” he side, bashful, “is very tough to remember. Yes, Sky, I will be here with bells on.”

“You said something in Ukrainian to me earlier,” Sky said, searching his amused hazel eyes. “It sounded so beautiful. Melodic. What does it mean?” She saw ruddiness come to Alex’s cheeks and he suddenly became shy, avoiding her glance for a moment.

Opening his hands in apology, he said, “I am sorry, Sky. I slipped into my language. It happens when I’m deeply touched. I always revert to it.”

“It was beautiful,” Sky sighed. “I never realized Ukrainian could sound so musical, like a poem, maybe a song…”

“Well,” Alex confessed, embarrassed. “Moya zolotaya, means ‘my golden girl or golden one.’ You have blond hair, Sky. It is…” and he lifted his chin, thinking of how to explain it in English terminology and understanding. “A father will call his daughter that. A mother will too.” His eyes gleamed with sudden teasing. “And if a young man has a woman whom he loves, he will call her that.”

“It’s an endearment, then,” Sky whispered.
